Zelda Ocarina of Time
Nintendo 64
Zelda Twilight Princess
Zelda Wind Waker
Legend of Zelda
Zelda Link to the Past
Super Nintendo
Zelda Majora's Mask
Nintendo 64
Zelda [Collector's Edition]
Zelda Phantom Hourglass
Nintendo DS
Zelda II The Adventure of Link
Zelda Twilight Princess
Zelda Spirit Tracks
Nintendo DS
Zelda Wind Waker HD
Wii U
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Nintendo Switch
Zelda Minish Cap
GameBoy Advance
Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D
Nintendo 3DS
Zelda A Link Between Worlds
Nintendo 3DS
Zelda Link to the Past
GameBoy Advance
Zelda Majora's Mask 3D
Nintendo 3DS
Zelda Oracle of Ages
GameBoy Color
Zelda: Tears Of the Kingdom
Nintendo Switch
Zelda Link's Awakening
Zelda Link's Awakening DX
GameBoy Color
Zelda Oracle of Seasons
GameBoy Color
Metroid Prime & Zelda Wind Waker Combo
Zelda Twilight Princess HD [amiibo Bundle]
Wii U
Legend of Zelda [5 Screw]
Legend of Zelda [Classic Series]
Zelda Link's Awakening
Nintendo Switch
Zelda Minish Cap
PAL GameBoy Advance
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Wii U
Zelda [Classic NES Series]
GameBoy Advance
Zelda Ocarina of Time
PAL Nintendo 64
Zelda Skyward Sword [Soundtrack Bundle]
Pokemon Emerald [Case Bundle]
GameBoy Advance
Zelda Majora's Mask
PAL Nintendo 64
Zelda - Toon
[Volume 4] Zelda II
Nintendo Power
Zelda Edition Gameboy Advance SP
GameBoy Advance
Legend of Zelda
Zelda Link to the Past
PAL GameBoy Advance
Zelda Link to the Past
PAL Super Nintendo
Tetris DX
GameBoy Color
Zelda Oracle of Ages
PAL GameBoy Color
Zelda Oracle of Seasons
PAL GameBoy Color
Zelda Wind Waker
PAL Gamecube
Zelda [ZL-65]
Game & Watch
Zelda The Wand of Gamelon
Legend of Zelda
Game & Watch
Zelda & Loftwing
Zelda Breath of the Wild
PAL Nintendo Switch
Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom
Nintendo Switch
Zelda II The Adventure of Link
Zelda Link's Awakening
PAL GameBoy
Zelda Link to the Past [Player's Choice]
GameBoy Advance
Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D
PAL Nintendo 3DS
Zelda II The Adventure of Link [Classic NES Series]
GameBoy Advance
Zelda Link's Awakening DX
PAL GameBoy Color
Zelda Ocarina of Time
JP Nintendo 64
Zelda A Link Between Worlds
PAL Nintendo 3DS
Zelda Majora's Mask 3D
PAL Nintendo 3DS
Zelda Breath of the Wild
Zelda Oracle of Ages [Not for Resale]
GameBoy Color
Gameboy Advance Console & E-Reader Bundle
GameBoy Advance
Gameboy Advance Console [Pokemon Crystal Bundle]
GameBoy Advance
Gameboy Advance Glacier Console [Pokemon Crystal Bundle]
GameBoy Advance
Gameboy Advance SP [Zelda Edition]
PAL GameBoy Advance
Tetris DX
PAL GameBoy Color
Zelda - Breath of Wild
Zelda [Collector's Edition]
PAL Gamecube
Zelda II The Adventure of Link [NES Classics]
PAL GameBoy Advance
Zelda Link's Awakening [Player's Choice]
Zelda Majora's Mask
JP Nintendo 64
Zelda Skyward Sword [Controller Bundle]
Zelda Skyward Sword [Controller Bundle]
Zelda Spirit Tracks
PAL Nintendo DS
Zelda - Tears of the Kingdom
Legend of Zelda II
Famicom Disk System
Original Gameboy System [Mario Land Bundle]
PAL GameBoy
Zelda Minish Cap [Not for Resale Demo]
GameBoy Advance
Zelda Link's Awakening
PAL Nintendo Switch
Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
PAL Nintendo Switch
Legend of Zelda
Famicom Disk System
Zelda Twilight Princess HD [Amiibo Bundle]
Legend Of Zelda [Classic Series]
Zelda Wind Waker
JP Gamecube
Zelda Oracle of Ages & Seasons Limited Edition
PAL GameBoy Color
Zelda Wind Waker [Prima]
Strategy Guide
Zelda NES Classics
PAL GameBoy Advance
R-Type DX
GameBoy Color
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords [Legendary Edition] #4 (2017)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Famicom Mini: Zelda
JP GameBoy Advance
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap #8 (2009)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time #1 (2008)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda #3 (1991)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Zelda A Link To The Past [Paperback] (1993)
Comic Books Zelda Link to the Past
Legend of Zelda #2 (1990)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda #5 (1991)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass [Paperback] #10 (2010)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda #1 (1990)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (2015)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda #4 (1991)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda [Legendary Edition Box Set] (2020)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
DMX #317
Funko POP Rocks
DMX #318
Funko POP Rocks
Four Color #510 (1953)
Comic Books Four Color
Legend of Zelda #10 (2010)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda #3 (1990)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda #4 (1990)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda #5 (1990)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Part 1 #6 (2009)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda [Manga Box Set] (2011)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [Paperback] #2 (2008)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Mad #510 (2011)
Comic Books MAD
Zane DX #2171
LEGO Ninjago
Zelda: Link to the Past [Paperback] (2015)
Comic Books Zelda Link to the Past
Legend of Zelda #1 (1991)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Part 2 #7 (2009)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages #5 (2009)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons #4 (2009)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
2000 AD #510 (1987)
Comic Books 2000 AD
Legend of Zelda #2 (1991)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past #9 (2010)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask #3 (2009)
Comic Books Legend of Zelda
Archie #510 (2001)
Comic Books Archie
Batman #510 (1994)
Comic Books Batman
Daredevil #510 (2010)
Comic Books Daredevil
Mountain #510
Magic Aetherdrift
Zelda #FG-37
Marvel 2023 Fleer Ultra Wolverine Family Genealogy
Adventure Comics [510 Cover] #7 (2010)
Comic Books Adventure Comics
Bust-a-Move 3 DX
PAL GameBoy
DX Bakenou Z
JP GameBoy
F1 Race [4 Player Adapter Bundle]
PAL GameBoy
F1 Race [Four Player Adapter Bundle]
Famicom Mini: Zelda II
JP GameBoy Advance
Famicom Titler AN-510 [Editor]
Finding Nemo and Monsters Inc Bundle
GameBoy Advance
Game Boy Advance Platinum Donkey Kong Bobblehead Bundle
GameBoy Advance
Game Boy Advance SP Super Mario Bros 3 Bundle
GameBoy Advance
Game Boy Advance [Super Mario Advance 2 Bundle]
PAL GameBoy Advance
Game Boy Kirby's Pinball + Tetris Bundle
PAL GameBoy
Game Boy Pocket Ice Blue [Target Zelda Bundle]
GameBoy Color
Gameboy Advance Console & E-Reader Bundle
PAL GameBoy Advance
Gameboy Advance SP [Metroid Bundle]
GameBoy Advance
Gameboy Advance SP [Super Mario World Bundle]
GameBoy Advance
Gameboy Mario 1 and 2 Bundle Pack
PAL GameBoy
Gameboy Pocket Gold [Donkey Kong Land Bundle]
PAL GameBoy
Gameboy Pocket Red [Super Mario Land 2 Bundle]
PAL GameBoy
Ippatsu Gyakuten: DX Bakenou
JP GameBoy
Karaoke Joysound Wii DX [Microphone Bundle]
JP Wii
Legend of Zelda Art & Artifacts
Strategy Guide
Legend of Zelda Outlands [Homebrew]
Nintendo Gameboy Clear Blue [Star Wars Bundle]
PAL GameBoy
Nintendo Gameboy Red [Super Mario Land Bundle]
PAL GameBoy
Nintendo Gameboy System [Space Invaders + Tetris Bundle]
PAL GameBoy
Nintendo Gameboy System [Super Mario Land Bundle]
Nintendo Gamecube + Gameboy Player Bundle
JP Gamecube
Nintendo GameCube Gameboy Player Pak Bundle
PAL Gamecube
Nintendo Switch Zelda Skyward Sword HD Bundle
Nintendo Switch
Original Gameboy System [Legend Of Zelda Link's Awakening Bundle]
Pocket Love [CD Bundle]
JP GameBoy
R-Type DX
PAL GameBoy Color
Red Gameboy Advance SP [F-Zero GP Legend Bundle]
GameBoy Advance
Samurai Deeper Kyo [DVD Bundle]
GameBoy Advance
Super JetPak DX
GameBoy Color
Super Nintendo Console [Super Gameboy + Zelda + Starwing Bundle]
PAL Super Nintendo
Tales Of Monster Land DX
GameBoy Color
Tetris DX
JP GameBoy Color
Tetris DX [Not For Resale]
GameBoy Color
The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks
JP Nintendo DS
The Phantom #510 (1973)
Comic Books Phantom
Top Ranking Tennis [Adapter Bundle]
PAL GameBoy
Trip World DX
GameBoy Color
Uno DX
JP Sega Saturn
Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom
JP Nintendo Switch
Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom
PAL Nintendo Switch
Zelda III: The Legend of Zelda Outlands [Homebrew]
Zelda Link's Awakening
JP GameBoy
Zelda: Link's Awakening
JP Nintendo Switch
Zelda Link's Awakening DX
JP GameBoy Color
Zelda Link's Awakening DX [Prima]
Strategy Guide
Zelda Link's Awakening [Nintendo Classics]
PAL GameBoy
Zelda Link's Awakening [Serie Classic]
PAL GameBoy
Zelda Link to the Past [Not for Resale]
GameBoy Advance
Zelda Link To The Past [Player's Choice]
PAL GameBoy Advance
Zelda Majora's Mask 3D
JP Nintendo 3DS
Zelda Majora's Mask [Expansion Pak Bundle]
JP Nintendo 64
Zelda Minish Cap
JP GameBoy Advance
Zelda Minish Cap [Not for Resale]
GameBoy Advance
Zelda Musou: Hyrule All Stars DX
JP Nintendo Switch
Zelda no Densetsu: Kamigami no Triforce
JP GameBoy Advance
Zelda Oracle of Ages
JP GameBoy Color
Zelda: Oracle Of Ages [1st Print Foil Box]
GameBoy Color
Zelda Oracle of Seasons
JP GameBoy Color
Zelda: Oracle Of Seasons [1st Print Foil Box]
GameBoy Color
Zelda Oracle of Seasons [Not for Resale]
GameBoy Color
Zelda Phantom Hourglass
JP Nintendo DS
Zelda Shin Zelda Densetsu [Homebrew]
Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
JP Nintendo Switch
Zelda: Tips & Tactics
Strategy Guide
Zelda Wind Waker [BradyGames]
Strategy Guide