Who are the buyers?
Only users who pay a monthly fee for our "Retailer" package
will be notified of your collection. These are users
in the business of buying and selling games and trading cards.
You'll be able to see feedback and user profiles for buyers
when they contact you. You'll see how long they've had an account,
what previous feedback they have, and where they are located.
Buyers will see the same information about you.
How will I hear from buyers?
Buyers will be notified via email about your collection.
They will see a link to your collecion to see the items,
value, photos, and your account feedback and profile.
If buyers are interested, they will notify you via email with
an offer.
How much will I get for my collection?
You will generally get about 40-60% of the total value
of your collection if you sell it all at once. The exact
amount depends on the average value of your items
and how popular those items are.
You will get more money overall by selling items individually,
but you will need to create listings for each item and
ship each item individually too.
How does payment and shipping work?
You need to work that out with the buyer. Generally
buyers will require shipment and delivery before payment.
You can negotiate any details that you desire, like
partial payment upfront, payment for shipping, and payment
Are there restrictions on what collections can be sold?
The collection must be:
Worth more than $100
Include more than 20 items
Include at least one photo
We do this to make sure collection purchases are worth the
buyer's time.
What happens after I list my collection for sale?
We notify our list of buyers.
You will not be able to add or remove
items from your collection while it is listed for sale.
You should receive emails from buyers with offers within
a couple of days.
Can I list a collection for sale multiple times?
You cannot list a collection for sale repeatedly. After
listing it for sale, you will be prevented from listing again
for a week if you remove it from being on sale.
Sellers who abuse the "sell collection" feature can be
prevented from listing collections for sale and/or removed
from the site.
Does PriceCharting Guarantee the Transactions?
No. We help put a buyer and seller together but both
parties are "buyer beware" and "seller beware".
Buyers might ask for verification of ownership via photos
with your username written on a piece of paper with the items
in the background or most valuable items visible.
Sellers should vet the buyers some too and make sure they
are someone you are comfortable dealing with has a good
reputation on the site.