Mew ex #53
Pokemon Promo
Great Tusk ex #246
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Mew [Holo] #53
Pokemon Evolutions
Froslass ex [Holo] #3
Pokemon Paradox Rift
Great Tusk ex #230
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Great Tusk ex #123
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Ditto [Holo] #53
Pokemon Go
Mew [Reverse Holo] #53
Pokemon Evolutions
Great Tusk ex #72
Pokemon Promo
Great Tusk ex #53
Pokemon Paldean Fates
Great Tusk [Master Ball] #55
Pokemon Prismatic Evolutions
Froslass [Holo] #53
Pokemon Twilight Masquerade
Great Tusk EX [Play] #123
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Great Tusk ex #330
Pokemon Japanese Shiny Treasure ex
Deoxys EX #53
Pokemon Plasma Freeze
Great Tusk #55
Pokemon Prismatic Evolutions
Great Tusk ex #112
Pokemon Japanese Shiny Treasure ex
Great Tusk #97
Pokemon Temporal Forces
Raging Bolt ex #53
Pokemon Japanese Wild Force
Great Tusk [Poke Ball] #55
Pokemon Prismatic Evolutions
Great Tusk EX #102
Pokemon Japanese Scarlet Ex
Great Tusk #96
Pokemon Temporal Forces
Great Tusk [Master Ball] #86
Pokemon Japanese Terastal Festival
Mega Lucario EX #53
Pokemon Japanese Rising Fist
Rayquaza EX #53
Pokemon Japanese Dragon Blade
Great Tusk [Reverse] #55
Pokemon Prismatic Evolutions
Deoxys EX #53
Pokemon World Championships 2014
Palkia [Reverse Holo] #26
Pokemon Great Encounters
Great Tusk EX #49
Pokemon Japanese Scarlet Ex
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #183
Pokemon Paldea Evolved
Giratina EX #53
Pokemon Japanese Dragon Blast
Great Tusk EX #93
Pokemon Japanese Scarlet Ex
Baxcalibur #53
Pokemon Japanese Shiny Treasure ex
Latias EX #53
Pokemon Japanese Thunder Knuckle
Dialga [Reverse Holo] #16
Pokemon Great Encounters
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #132
Pokemon Crown Zenith
Claydol [Crosshatch Holo] #15
Pokemon Great Encounters
Great Tusk [Reverse Holo] #96
Pokemon Temporal Forces
Claydol [Reverse Holo] #15
Pokemon Great Encounters
Darkrai [Reverse Holo] #4
Pokemon Great Encounters
Dialga EX #53
Pokemon Japanese Megalo Cannon
Slowking [Reverse Holo] #28
Pokemon Great Encounters
Deoxys EX #53
Pokemon Japanese Spiral Force
Sceptile [Reverse Holo] #8
Pokemon Great Encounters
Latias [Reverse Holo] #22
Pokemon Great Encounters
Togekiss [Reverse Holo] #11
Pokemon Great Encounters
Porygon-Z [Reverse Holo] #6
Pokemon Great Encounters
Cresselia [Reverse Holo] #2
Pokemon Great Encounters
Blaziken [Reverse Holo] #1
Pokemon Great Encounters
Darkrai [Reverse Holo] #3
Pokemon Great Encounters
Latios [Reverse Holo] #23
Pokemon Great Encounters
Luvdisc [Reverse Holo] #77
Pokemon Great Encounters
Porygon 2 [Reverse Holo] #49
Pokemon Great Encounters
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #52
Pokemon Champion's Path
Swampert [Reverse Holo] #9
Pokemon Great Encounters
Hariyama [Reverse Holo] #41
Pokemon Great Encounters
Mudkip [Reverse Holo] #80
Pokemon Great Encounters
Togepi [Reverse Holo] #88
Pokemon Great Encounters
Wailord [Reverse Holo] #30
Pokemon Great Encounters
Lapras [Reverse Holo] #21
Pokemon Great Encounters
Houndoom [Reverse Holo] #18
Pokemon Great Encounters
Butterfree [Reverse Holo] #14
Pokemon Great Encounters
Hop [Reverse Holo] #53
Pokemon Champion's Path
Mr. Mime ex #53
Pokemon Japanese Flight of Legends
Skarmory #53
Pokemon Great Encounters
Torchic [Reverse Holo] #89
Pokemon Great Encounters
Baltoy [Reverse Holo] #60
Pokemon Great Encounters
Cacturne [Reverse Holo] #34
Pokemon Great Encounters
Deoxys EX [Jumbo] #53
Pokemon Plasma Freeze
Felicity's Drawing [Pokemon League Holo] #98
Pokemon Great Encounters
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #90
Pokemon Delta Species
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #92
Pokemon Fire Red & Leaf Green
Jonah Hex #53 (2010)
Comic Books Jonah Hex
Kyurem EX #53
Pokemon Japanese Hail Blizzard
Marshtomp [Reverse Holo] #46
Pokemon Great Encounters
Rare Candy [Reverse Holo] #102
Pokemon Great Encounters
Rayquaza EX [1st Edition] #53
Pokemon Japanese Dragon Blade
Rotom Dex #53
Pokemon Japanese GG End
Rotom [Reverse Holo] #7
Pokemon Great Encounters
Shaymin EX [1st Edition] #53
Pokemon Japanese Psycho Drive
Slowbro [Reverse Holo] #54
Pokemon Great Encounters
Tangela [Reverse Holo] #87
Pokemon Great Encounters
Togetic [Reverse Holo] #55
Pokemon Great Encounters
Unown G [Reverse Holo] #57
Pokemon Great Encounters
Altaria [Reverse Holo] #12
Pokemon Great Encounters
Caterpie [Reverse Holo] #63
Pokemon Great Encounters
Deoxys EX #53
Pokemon World Championships 2013
Hypno [Reverse Holo] #19
Pokemon Great Encounters
Jigglypuff [Reverse Holo] #72
Pokemon Great Encounters
Primeape [Reverse Holo] #27
Pokemon Great Encounters
Slowpoke [Reverse Holo] #82
Pokemon Great Encounters
Trubbish #53
Pokemon Japanese EX Battle Boost
Delibird [Reverse Holo] #36
Pokemon Great Encounters
Exploud [Reverse Holo] #17
Pokemon Great Encounters
Mr. Mime ex [1st Edition] #53
Pokemon Japanese Flight of Legends
Muk [Reverse Holo] #53
Pokemon Next Destinies
Premier Ball [Reverse Holo] #101
Pokemon Great Encounters
Treecko [Reverse Holo] #90
Pokemon Great Encounters
Weedle [Reverse Holo] #93
Pokemon Great Encounters
Weezing [Reverse Holo] #31
Pokemon Great Encounters
Amulet Coin [Reverse Holo] #97
Pokemon Great Encounters
Arbok [Reverse Holo] #33
Pokemon Great Encounters
Buizel [Reverse Holo] #61
Pokemon Great Encounters
Cacnea [Reverse Holo] #62
Pokemon Great Encounters
Combusken [Reverse Holo] #35
Pokemon Great Encounters
Drowzee [Reverse Holo] #65
Pokemon Great Encounters
Glameow [Reverse Holo] #68
Pokemon Great Encounters
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #129
Pokemon Boundaries Crossed
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #164
Pokemon Sword & Shield
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #77
Pokemon Power Keepers
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #85
Pokemon Stormfront
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #93
Pokemon Emerging Powers
Great Tusk #86
Pokemon Japanese Terastal Festival
Great Tusk [Poke Ball] #86
Pokemon Japanese Terastal Festival
Great Tusk [Reverse Holo] #97
Pokemon Temporal Forces
Grovyle [Reverse Holo] #40
Pokemon Great Encounters
Huntail [Reverse Holo] #42
Pokemon Great Encounters
Igglybuff [Reverse Holo] #70
Pokemon Great Encounters
Jonah Hex #53 (1981)
Comic Books Jonah Hex
Kingler [Reverse Holo] #20
Pokemon Great Encounters
Knight of the Tusk [Foil]
Magic Core Set 2019
Koffing [Reverse Holo] #74
Pokemon Great Encounters
Magcargo [Reverse Holo] #45
Pokemon Great Encounters
Mawile [Reverse Holo] #24
Pokemon Great Encounters
Metapod [Reverse Holo] #47
Pokemon Great Encounters
Milotic [Reverse Holo] #25
Pokemon Great Encounters
Moonlight Stadium [Reverse Holo] #100
Pokemon Great Encounters
Pachirisu [Reverse Holo] #5
Pokemon Great Encounters
Porygon [Reverse Holo] #81
Pokemon Great Encounters
Purugly [Reverse Holo] #50
Pokemon Great Encounters
Relicanth [Reverse Holo] #51
Pokemon Great Encounters
Solrock [Reverse Holo] #85
Pokemon Great Encounters
Tusk and Whiskers [Galaxy Foil]
Magic Unfinity
Unown F [Reverse Holo] #56
Pokemon Great Encounters
Unown H [Reverse Holo] #29
Pokemon Great Encounters
Unown L [Reverse Holo] #91
Pokemon Great Encounters
Volbeat [Reverse Holo] #92
Pokemon Great Encounters
Wailmer [Reverse Holo] #58
Pokemon Great Encounters
Wigglytuff [Reverse Holo] #32
Pokemon Great Encounters
Zigzagoon [Reverse Holo] #96
Pokemon Great Encounters
Bagon [Reverse Holo] #53
Pokemon Stormfront
Beedrill [Reverse Holo] #13
Pokemon Great Encounters
Clamperl [Reverse Holo] #64
Pokemon Great Encounters
Ekans [Reverse Holo] #66
Pokemon Great Encounters
Feebas [Reverse Holo] #67
Pokemon Great Encounters
Felicity's Drawing [Reverse Holo] #98
Pokemon Great Encounters
Floatzel [Reverse Holo] #37
Pokemon Great Encounters
Gorebyss [Reverse Holo] #38
Pokemon Great Encounters
Granbull [Reverse Holo] #39
Pokemon Great Encounters
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #100
Pokemon BREAKpoint
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #118
Pokemon XY
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #119
Pokemon Sun & Moon
Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #60
Pokemon Shining Legends
Great Catcher [Reverse Holo] #192
Pokemon Cosmic Eclipse
Great Potion [Reverse Holo] #198
Pokemon Unified Minds
Great Tusk #42
Pokemon Japanese Wild Force
Houndour [Reverse Holo] #69
Pokemon Great Encounters
Illumise [Reverse Holo] #71
Pokemon Great Encounters
Kakuna [Reverse Holo] #73
Pokemon Great Encounters
Knight of the Tusk
Magic Jumpstart
Krabby [Reverse Holo] #75
Pokemon Great Encounters
Leftovers [Reverse Holo] #99
Pokemon Great Encounters
Linoone [Reverse Holo] #43
Pokemon Great Encounters
Loudred [Reverse Holo] #44
Pokemon Great Encounters
Lunatone [Reverse Holo] #76
Pokemon Great Encounters
Makuhita [Reverse Holo] #78
Pokemon Great Encounters
Mankey [Reverse Holo] #79
Pokemon Great Encounters
Pelipper [Reverse Holo] #48
Pokemon Great Encounters
Seviper #53
Pokemon Japanese Scarlet Ex
Seviper [Reverse Holo] #52
Pokemon Great Encounters
Shaymin EX #53
Pokemon Japanese Psycho Drive
Skarmory [Reverse Holo] #53
Pokemon Great Encounters
Slugma [Reverse Holo] #83
Pokemon Great Encounters
Snubbull [Reverse Holo] #84
Pokemon Great Encounters
Swablu [Reverse Holo] #86
Pokemon Great Encounters
Tangrowth [Reverse Holo] #10
Pokemon Great Encounters
Team Aqua's Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #27
Pokemon Double Crisis
Team Magma's Great Ball [Reverse Holo] #31
Pokemon Double Crisis
Tusk and Whiskers
Magic Unfinity
Whismur [Reverse Holo] #94
Pokemon Great Encounters
Wingull [Reverse Holo] #95
Pokemon Great Encounters
Zangoose [Reverse Holo] #59
Pokemon Great Encounters
Ampharos ex [Holo] #7
Pokemon Japanese Ampharos ex Starter Set
Drifblim #53
Pokemon Japanese ex Starter Decks
Dusclops EX [Holo] #6
Pokemon 2005 Quick Construction Packs
Giratina EX [1st Edition] #53
Pokemon Japanese Dragon Blast
Great Ball #117
Pokemon Japanese ex Starter Decks
Great Tusk #10
Pokemon Japanese Ancient Koraidon ex Starter Deck
Great Tusk [Misprint] #97
Pokemon Temporal Forces
Knight of the Tusk
Magic Core Set 2019
Knight of the Tusk
Magic Mystery Booster
Kyurem EX [1st Edition] #53
Pokemon Japanese Hail Blizzard
Lady Outing #53
Pokemon Japanese EX Ruby & Sapphire Expansion Pack
Latios Ex [Holo] #11
Pokemon Japanese 2005 Gift Box
Luminous Energy #53
Pokemon Japanese Ancient Koraidon ex Starter Deck
Luminous Energy #53
Pokemon Japanese Future Miraidon ex Starter Deck
Maschiff #53
Pokemon Japanese Violet Ex
Shadows of the Tusk
JP Sega Saturn
The Great Aerie #53
Magic March of the Machine Commander
Tusk [Gold Signature] #49
Marvel 1995 Ultra X-Men All Chromium