PriceCharting API Documentation

Documentation for all PriceCharting APIs, including the Prices API to get item prices and the Marketplace API to automate all aspects of finding and selling items on the Marketplace.


  • Requests are made over HTTPS
  • Responses are returned in JSON format
  • Responses include liberal CORS headers to facilitate cross-site requests
  • Authentication with a static, shared secret


$ curl "" { "status": "success", "id":"6910", "product-name":"EarthBound" "console-name":"Super Nintendo", }


API's are a premium tool. You must have a paid subscription to access the API.

Each subscription has a unique, 40-character token associated with it. You can find this token by visiting the Subscription page and clicking "API/Download" button. If you have any trouble finding your access token, feel free to contact us.

For example, the demo token used in this documentation is c0b53bce27c1bdab90b1605249e600dc43dfd1d5

Each API call is authenticated by including this token as the t parameter in the HTTP request. This token is specific to your guide and grants access to the data you've purchased. Please keep this token private.

Make a Request

To make an API request, make an HTTP request to the base URL plus the path for the API you want. See below for a list of supported APIs. The most common is /api/product. Be sure to include a t parameter with your access token and any other parameters required by the API itself.

Requests should use GET or POST methods. Each API will list the supported method. As a general rule, APIs that display data only will use GET and APIs that create or change data will use POST.

During development, requests can be made by visiting the URL in your web browser or using a tool like curl.

Each API response is a JSON object.
Dates are encoded as YYYY-MM-DD strings.
Prices an integer number of pennies. For example, the amount $17.32 would be encoded as 1732.
Boolean are encoded as boolean.
All other keys are encoded as strings.

Error Handling

Each JSON object contains a "status" key whose value is either success or error. If the status is success, the request was completed successfully. The HTTP status code will be 200.

If the API response status is error, there will also be an error-message key whose value describes what went wrong. The HTTP status code to will fall in the 400 or 500 range, reserved for errors.


Download Data via CSV File

In addition to an API, we also offer a CSV download with all the data included. A CSV download is a more efficient way to update lots of data points at one time.

The CSV files are generated once every 24 hours so no need to download it more often than once per day.

CSV column names match the Prices API key description names.

CSV download feature is only available to Legendary subscribers. To access an existing download, visit the Subscriptions page and click "API/Download" button.


Prices API

This document describes our API for accessing data you've purchased as part of a subscription. For certain applications, it's more convenient to use this API than to work with a downloaded CSV file.

Product: /api/product

This API provides data about a single product. Its response is semantically equivalent to a single row in your downloadable CSV price guide. The JSON key names exactly match the column names. Here's a sample response.

Whitespace and comments are added for clarity but are not present in an actual response:

$ curl "" { "status": "success", // response status "cib-price": 42995, // $429.95 "console-name": "Super Nintendo", "id": "6910", // unique PriceCharting product ID "loose-price": 17244, // $172.44 "new-price": 53000, // $530.00 "product-name": "EarthBound", "release-date": "1995-06-05" // 5 June 1995 }


There are several ways to specify which product you want:

PriceCharting product ID number
This number is available in CSV price guides, provided in API responses or available by hovering your mouse over the product title on an item page on
The Universal Product Code is a convenient way to identify products for recent systems. Games in the First and Second Generation rarely have UPCs.
Full text search
Search for a product based on its title and/or console. If multiple products match the search, only the best match is returned. Example queries:

chrono trigger super nintendo
mario n64
super mario

Products: /api/products

This API provides data about multiple products. Product queries can be specified just as with /api/product. The response contains a single products key whose value is a list of the first 20 products matching your search. Here's an example search.

$ curl " ogre" { "status": "success", "products": [ { "console-name": "Playstation", "id": "4801", "product-name": "Tactics Ogre" }, { "console-name": "GameBoy Advance", "id": "2611", "product-name": "Tactics Ogre" }, { "console-name": "PSP", "id": "30988", "product-name": "Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together" } ] }


There is one way to specify which products you want:

Full text search
Search for a product based on its title and/or console. If multiple products match the search, only the best matches are returned. Example queries:

chrono trigger super nintendo
mario n64
charizard #4

Prices API: Description of Keys

Description of JSON keys returned by Prices API and CSV column headers.

Data Name Description
asin Unique identifier (ASIN) for this product on
bgs-10-price Cards: BGS 10
Comics: Graded 10.0 by a grading company
box-only-price Video Games: Price for the original box only
Cards: Graded 9.5 by a grading company
Comics: Graded 9.2 by a grading company
cib-price Video Games: Price for item only with original box and manual included
Cards: Graded 7 or 7.5 by a grading company
Comics: Graded 4.0 or 4.5 by a grading company
condition-17-price Cards: CGC 10
Comics: Graded 9.4 by a grading company
condition-18-price Cards: SGC 10
console-name The name of the console on which the item was released.
epid Unique identifier (ePID) for this product on eBay
gamestop-price The price that GameStop charges for this game in "Pre-Owned" condition. Make sure you don't charge more than the competition. (Buy/Sell prices above already account for this). The Trade price is what GameStop pays in cash for trade-in games.

These prices are only available for consoles that GameStop sells or trades.
genre The genre is a single category which describes the item. For example RPG, Fighting, Party, Pokemon Card, etc.
graded-price Video Games: Price for brand new item graded by WATA or VGA
Cards: Graded 9 by a grading company
Comics: Graded 8.0 or 8.5 by a grading company
id PriceCharting unique id for a product.
loose-price Video Games: Price for item only without box or manual
Cards: Ungraded card
Comics: Ungraded comic
manual-only-price Video Games: Price for the original manual only
Cards: Graded 10 by PSA grading service
Comics: Graded 9.8 by a grading company
new-price Video Games: Price for item with original packaging and original seal
Cards: Graded 8 or 8.5 by a grading company
Comics: Graded 6.0 or 6.5 by a grading company
product-name The name of the item.
release-date The date the item was original released.
retail-cib-buy The recommended price for retailers buying from a customer in CIB (complete in box) condition.
retail-cib-sell The recommended price for retailers selling to a customer in CIB (complete in box) condition.
retail-loose-buy The recommended price for retailers buying from a customer in loose condition.
retail-loose-sell The recommended price for retailers selling to a customer in loose condition.
retail-new-buy The recommended price for retailers buying from a customer in brand new condition.
retail-new-sell The recommended price for retailers selling to a customer in brand new condition.
sales-volume The yearly units sold
upc The items in your guide will include a UPC that helps you track the item and sell on some websites. For example, eBay uses UPC to identify products when selling on their site.

UPCs may not be available for older consoles that came out before UPCs were created.



Marketplace API

This documentation is for our API to automate all of the tasks for selling on the PriceCharting Marketplace.

Offers: /api/offers

This API provides multiple offers that match the parameters provided. Complete details about a single offer can be found using /api/offer-details API.

This is the API sellers will use to check if they have sold any offers. Please throttle requests to the same url to a maximum of once every 5 minutes.

Method: GET

Whitespace and comments are added for clarity but are not present in an actual response:

$ curl "" { "status":"success", "offers":[ { "condition-string":"Normal wear", "console-name":"NES", "ended-time":"2017-10-31", "id":9307, // unique PriceCharting product ID "include-string":"Game only", "is-available":false, "is-ended":true, "is-shipped":false, "is-sold":true, // has offer sold "offer-id":"smzksacsy5i2dsrddxsrlzsp6i", // unique offer Id "offer-status":"sold", // offer status "offer-url":"/offer/smzksacsy5i2dsrddxsrlzsp6i", "price":1473, // $14.73. current price "product-name":"M.C. Kids", "sale-time":"2017-10-31", "shipped-time":"0001-01-01", // zero time since it hasn't shipped }, { "cert-id": "5672930123", // gradeing company unique identifier for graded item "condition-string":"Scratched,Writing", "console-name":"NES", "ended-time":"2017-10-30", "grade-co-id": 1, // unique ID for the grading company used "id":9729, "include-string":"Game, Box, and Manual", "is-available":false, "is-ended":true, "is-shipped":true, "is-sold":true, "offer-id":"nw6asacmsbvvoq5yeyrkvzcdky", "offer-status":"available", "offer-url":"/offer/nw6asacmsbvvoq5yeyrkvzcdky", "price":6281, "product-name":"Shatterhand", "sale-time":"2017-10-30", "shipped-time":"2017-10-31", }, ], }


There are several ways to specify which offers you want:

Offer Status (required)
Offers matching a particular status. Valid options are: available, sold, ended, or collection
User ID for Buyer
All offers bought by a particular user. Your code is in the url of your purchase history page. Other user's ID can be found on their user profile page.
PriceCharting Unique Console ID
Offers matching a particular console. This number is available in the Console ID Table below.
PriceCharting Condition Id
Offers matching a particular condition/includes ("loose", "cib", "new", etc) This number is available in the Includes ID Table below.
All offers matching a particular genre ("Systems", "RPG", "Puzzle", etc). The genres table shows all the valid options.
PriceCharting Unique Product ID
Offers matching a single product. This number is available in CSV price guides, provided in API responses or available by hovering your mouse over the product title on a product page on
User ID for Seller
All offers created by particular seller. Your code is in the url of your items for sale page. Other user's ID can be found on their user profile page.
Sort By
Choose how the offers are sorted. Can be: name (alphabetical by product), starts (newly listed offers), lowest-price (lowest price offers).

Offer-Publish: /api/offer-publish

The Offer-Publish API publishes one new offer on the Marketplace.

To publish multiple offers at once, you should use offer CSV upload tools.

Method: POST

$ curl --data "t=YOUR_TOKEN&product=9331&condition-id=1&price-max=901&sku=123abc" { "status":"success" "cost-basis":125, // price you paid for item "offer-id":"ccirsewk5mdnoest7xkryagimy", // the unique ID for this new offer "offer-url":"/offer/ccirsewk5mdnoest7xkryagimy", // url for the new offer "offer-status":"available", "product-name":"Metroid", "console-name":"NES", "condition-string":"Scratches, Writing", // condition values end users will see "include-string":"Game, Box", // include values end users will see "has-pictures":false, // does the listing have a photo "price":901, "sku":"123abc", "is-collection":false, // is the offer in a collection "start-time":"2017-11-03", // date the offer was listed "quantity":1, // quantity owned. only supported for collections }


These parameters determine the values for the offer you publish.

Either product, upc, asin, epid or offer-id is required.
offer-id will edit an existing offer. product, upc, asin, epid will publish a new offer.

PriceCharting Unique Product ID
This number is available in CSV price guides, provided in API responses or available by hovering your mouse over the product title on a product page on
Using this parameter will create a new listing.
The UPC for the item you are selling. We will match the UPC to a product in our database.
Using this parameter will create a new listing.
Amazon Unique ID
ASIN is Amazon's unique product identifier. We will match the ASIN to a product in our database.
Using this parameter will create a new listing.
eBay Unique ID
EPID is eBay's unique product identifier. We will match the EPID to a product in our database.
Using this parameter will create a new listing.
PriceCharting Unique Offer ID
The unique ID for an offer. This is provided in the /api/offers API and listed on the website in any offer url.
Using this parameter will edit an existing offer with the parameters included in the request.
Maximum Price (required)
This is the price buyers will pay. This is the starting price when you set a price-min too.

Price in number of pennies. $8.99 is 899.
Includes (required)
Choose what is included with the listing. Item only, Item, Box, and Manual, Brand New, etc.

Use the includes table for a list of the numeric values for each includes type.

This field determines the value of the listing and corresponds to the values shown on website and API.
Add Item to Collection
Including this parameter will add an offer to your collection instead of listing the product for sale.
Price You Paid for Item
The price you paid for the item when you bought it.

Price is number of pennies. $8.99 is 899.
Offer Description
A text description of the item you are selling. Include information about the item not already provided.

300 character maximum.
Condition Tags
Tags describing the condition of the item. Use all condition tags that apply. For example, a game with scratches and stickers on it would be: scratch=on and stickers=on.

pristine=on is converted into "No blemishes" on the website. This tag excludes all other tags except new.

Ommitting all condition tags defaults the listing to "Normal wear".
Photo Files
TODO: Unsure of this integration. Maybe exclude from API.

A photo of the item being sold. This should be an actual photo of the item or this parameter should be excluded.

Photos must be .JPG or .PNG format.

Up to 6 photos can be included using parameters: photo1, photo2, photo3, etc.
Minimum Price
Setting a minimm price turns your listing into a reverse auction. The price will steadily decline over a 30 day period from the price-max until it reaches the price-min or it sells.

Price in number of pennies. $8.99 is 899.
Your Internal SKU
An internal tracking number you can associate with an offer. A SKU must be unique among your active listings, but can be repeated with ended listings.

64 character maximum. Any alpha-numeric characters.
Quantity Owned
Only supported in collections. The number of copies of this item that are owned.

Any integer number. 1 is default if no quantity is provided

Offer-Details: /api/offer-details

Find full details on an individual offer included buyer's address if the item has sold.

Method: GET

$ curl "" { "status":"success", "buyer": { // buyer's shipping info "buyer-email":"[email protected]", "shipping-city":"Anytown", "shipping-country":"United States", "shipping-line1":"123 Smith St", "shipping-line2":"", "shipping-name":"John Doe", "shipping-state":"NY", "shipping-zip":"00000-0000" }, "buyer-left-feedback":true, // has buyer posted feedback "condition":"Normal wear", "console-name":"Super Nintendo", "cost-basis":125 "ended-time":"2017-10-31", // time the listing ended "has-pictures":true, "id":7000, "includes":"Game only", "is-collection":false, "is-ended":true, // has offer ended "is-price-descending":true, // is offer a reverse auction "is-refunded":false, // has offer been refunded "is-shipped":true, // has offer been shipped "is-sold":true, // has offer sold "max-price":12000, "min-price":10000, "offer-id":"vtdsww72uyslgooawzyyijsllm", // unique offer ID "offer-status":"sold", "offer-url":"/offer/vtdsww72uyslgooawzyyijsllm", // url for offer "price":11281, // sales price. $112.81 "product-name":"Mega Man 7", "refunded-time":"0001-01-01", // date of refund. zero value "sale-time":"2017-10-31", "seller-left-feedback":true, // has seller posted feedback "shipped-time":"2017-10-31", // date offer shipped. "shipping-premium":0, // extra paid for shipping internationally "sku":"", "start-time":"2017-10-20", "tracking-number":"9400111234567890000000" // tracking number for shipment }


Offer ID (required)
The unique ID for an offer. This is provided in the /api/offers API and listed on the website in any offer url.

Offer-Feedback: /api/offer-feedback

Post feedback rating and comments on a particular offer.

Method: POST

$ curl --data "t=YOUR_TOKEN&rating=2&comment=Great+buyer&offer-id=vtdsww72uyslgooawzyyijsllm" { "status":"success", "offer-id":"vtdsww72uyslgooawzyyijsllm", "rating":2, "comment":"Great buyer" }


Offer ID (required)
The unique ID for an offer. This is provided in the /api/offers API and listed on the website in any offer url.
Feedback Rating (required)
An integer rating the transaction with the other party.

2 = Great
1 = Good
0 = Ok
-1 = Bad
-2 = Awful
Feedback Comment
A text comment about the transaction. Let other people know why they received the rating you gave.

Offer-Ship: /api/offer-ship

Mark an offer as shipped and upload a tracking number if available.

Method: POST

$ curl --data "t=YOUR_TOKEN&tracking-number=901234567890000&offer-id=vtdsww72uyslgooawzyyijsllm" { "status":"success", "offer-id":"vtdsww72uyslgooawzyyijsllm", "is-shipped":true, "shipped-time":"2017-10-31", // the date we were notified of shipping "tracking-number": "901234567890000" }


Offer ID (required)
The unique ID for an offer. This is provided in the /api/offers API and listed on the website in any offer url.
Tracking Number
The tracking number for the offer when it was shipped. Can be a USPS, FedEx, UPS, or any other trackable service. If no tracking number is available, leave this parameter out.

A valid tracking number will be used to give seller's positive feedback on a transaction if the buyer doesn't leave feedback. Tracking must prove the item was shipped within 3 days and delivered to the buyer's address.

Offer-End: /api/offer-end

End an offer so it is no longer available for purchase. If offer is in a collection this removes the item from the collection.

Method: POST

$ curl --data "t=YOUR_TOKEN&offer-id=vtdsww72uyslgooawzyyijsllm" { "status":"success", "offer-id":"vtdsww72uyslgooawzyyijsllm", "is-ended":true, "ended-time":"2017-10-31" }


Offer ID (required)
The unique ID for an offer. This is provided in the /api/offers API and listed on the website in any offer url.

Offer-Refund: /api/offer-refund

Refund the payment for an offer that was already purchased. This immediately refunds the payment from your PayPal account back to the buyer.

Method: POST

$ curl --data "t=YOUR_TOKEN&offer-id=vtdsww72uyslgooawzyyijsllm" { "status":"success", "offer-id":"vtdsww72uyslgooawzyyijsllm", "is-refunded":true, "refunded-time":"2017-10-31" }


Offer ID (required)
The unique ID for an offer. This is provided in the /api/offers API and listed on the website in any offer url.

Market API: Description of Keys

Description of JSON keys returned by Marketplace APIs.

Data Name Description
best-competing-price The best price on the Marketplace for the same product and includes string. This will show the lowest price you are competing with. Only compares 'game only' to other 'game only'. Can be used to adjust your prices if you want to have the lowest prices.
buyer-email The email address for the buyer. Can be used to send emails to the buyer regarding the transaction. Buyers should not be added to any marketing email lists.
buyer-left-feedback Has the buyer left feedback for this transaction? True or false
comment The comment left during a feedback API request
condition-string A string showing what conditions were selected when describing an offer. This is what other users will see on the website. 'Writing', 'Normal Wear', 'Writing, Scratches' are common examples.
console-name The name of the console the product is associated with.
ended-time When an offer was ended. This could be the time the offer was sold or the time the seller ended it. If not ended, this will return a zero time.
has-pictures Does the offer have at least one photo included with the offer? Listings with photos sell better than listings without photos and they are listed more prominently across the site as well.
id PriceCharting unique id for a product.
image-url The main image for a particular offer. The url is relative. Adding a '{{WwwUrl}}' to the front will show the image.
include-string A string showing what items are included in the offer. 'Game only', 'Game and Box', 'Game, Box, and Manual' are common examples.
is-available Is the item is still available for sale? True or false.
is-best-priced-offer Is the offer the lowest priced option for this product on the marketplace? True or false.
is-collection Is the offer part of a collection instead of a offer for sale? True or false.
is-ended Has the offer ended. It could have sold or been closed by the seller? True or false.
is-price-descending Is the offer a reverse auction (price decreases until it reaches the minimum price)? True or false.
is-refunded Has the offer been refunded? True or false.
is-shipped Has the offer been shipped? True or false.
is-sold Has the offer been purchased? True or false.
offer-id The unique ID for an offer.
offer-status The current status of the offer. Valid options are 'available', 'sold', 'ended', 'pending', and 'collection'. 'pending' offers have been published, but are not available to purchase due to a vacation hold or a seller payment account issue. 'collection' status is for items listed in a collection instead of listed for sale.
offer-url The url to see the offer on The url is relative. Adding a '{{WwwUrl}}' to the front completes the url.
pending-reason The reason the 'offer-status' is 'pending'. This elaborates on why an offer is pending and not available for sale.
price The current price for an offer or the sales price if the offer has sold. If the offer has sold this also includes any 'shipping-premium' paid. Returns a number of pennies like '999' for $9.99.
price-max The maximum price the seller entered when publishing an offer. In a standard offer, this is the listing price. In a reverse auction, this is the starting price. Returns a number of pennies like '999' for $9.99.
price-min The minimum price the seller entered when publishing an offer. This is the minimum price for a reverse auction and blank in a standard listing. Returns a number of pennies like '999' for $9.99.
product-name The name for a product.
rating The rating left during a feedback API request. And integer between or equal to -2 and 2.
refunded-time When an offer was refunded. If not refunded, this will return a zero time.
sale-time When an offer sold. If not sold, this will return a zero time.
seller-id The unique user ID for the seller. This can be used to find more details on the seller at their user url, '/user/SELLER-ID'.
seller-left-feedback Has the seller left feedback for this transaction? True or false
shipped-time When an offer shipped. This is when the seller notified us of the shipment, not when the seller actually dropped it off with the shipping company. If not shipped, this will return a zero time.
shipping-city The buyer's city for shipping purposes.
shipping-country The buyer's country for shipping purposes.
shipping-line1 The buyer's first address line for shipping purposes. Usually a street number and street name.
shipping-line2 The buyer's second address line for shipping purposes. Often times an apartment number. This is blank for addresses with no second line.
shipping-name The buyer's name for shipping purposes.
shipping-premium The additional amount the buyer paid for international shipping. This is blank for domestic orders. It is automatically calculated based on the product and weight.
shipping-state The buyer's state or province for shipping purposes.
shipping-zip The buyer's postal code for shipping purposes.
sku The seller's sku for this offer. Will be alphanumeric. This SKU will be unique across active listings. This is only returned if the seller is making the API request.
start-time When an offer was published. If an offer is revised, this field will reset.
status The api request status. Either 'succecss' or 'error'.
tracking-number The tracking number the seller used when shipping the product.
value Only returned with offers in a collection. This is the current value of the product with the items included (Loose, Complete, or New).

Reference Tables

Console ID Table

Console Name ID
3DO G25
Action Max G36545
Amiga G46
Amiga CD32 G92
Amiibo G56
Amiibo Cards G46757
Amstrad CPC G70472
Amstrad GX4000 G66098
Apple II G79417
Arcadia 2001 G91
Asian English Nintendo 3DS G56638
Asian English PSP G59682
Asian English Playstation 2 G70756
Asian English Playstation 3 G56634
Asian English Playstation 4 G56635
Asian English Playstation 5 G56636
Asian English Playstation Vita G56637
Asian English Switch G56633
Asian English Xbox G72899
Asian Xbox 360 G79471
Atari 2600 G24
Atari 400 G45
Atari 5200 G31
Atari 7800 G33
Atari Lynx G26
Atari ST G146
Atari XE G72528
Bally Astrocade G90
CD-i G37
Casio Loopy G63134
Club Nintendo Magazine G77760
Colecovision G30
Commodore 128 G72569
Commodore 16 G56918
Commodore 64 G28
Disney Infinity G52
Dreamcast Magazine G53043
Electronic Gaming Monthly G53047
Entex Adventure Vision G72005
Evercade G28704
FM Towns Marty G55665
Fairchild Channel F G83
Famicom G55
Famicom Disk System G117
Game & Watch G68
Game Informer G53044
Game Wave G55666
Game.Com G93
GameBoy G49
GameBoy Advance G1
GameBoy Color G2
GamePro G53046
Gamecube G3
Gizmondo G7728
HyperScan G55667
Intellivision G27
JP 3DO G68532
JP GameBoy G112
JP GameBoy Advance G79
JP GameBoy Color G113
JP Gamecube G98
JP LaserActive G68060
JP MSX2 G128
JP Neo Geo AES G115
JP Neo Geo CD G43342
JP Neo Geo MVS G114
JP Neo Geo Pocket G59835
JP Neo Geo Pocket Color G129
JP Nintendo 3DS G119
JP Nintendo 64 G99
JP Nintendo DS G111
JP Nintendo Switch G100
JP PC Engine G82
JP PC Engine CD G154
JP Playstation G107
JP Playstation 2 G108
JP Playstation 3 G109
JP Playstation 4 G118
JP Playstation 5 G7470
JP Playstation Vita G106
JP Sega Dreamcast G64
JP Sega Game Gear G74
JP Sega Mark III G6900
JP Sega Mega CD G140
JP Sega Mega Drive G105
JP Sega Pico G137
JP Sega Saturn G67
JP Super 32X G142
JP Virtual Boy G76
JP Wii G102
JP Wii U G104
JP Xbox G125
JP Xbox 360 G124
JP Xbox One G126
JP Xbox Series X G7587
Jaguar G21
Jaguar CD G65467
LaserActive G66470
Lego Dimensions G144
Magnavox Odyssey G130
Magnavox Odyssey 2 G36
Magnavox Odyssey 300 G131
Mattel Aquarius G132
MegaZone G58494
Microvision G6956
Mini Arcade G69
N-Gage G42
Neo Geo AES G116
Neo Geo CD G60
Neo Geo MVS G18
Neo Geo Pocket Color G40
Nintendo 3DS G39
Nintendo 64 G4
Nintendo DS G5
Nintendo Power G81
Nintendo Switch G59
Nuon G72978
Official Nintendo Magazine G77563
Official US Playstation Magazine G73272
PAL 3DO G68531
PAL Amiga CD32 G153
PAL Amstrad GX4000 G72181
PAL Atari 2600 G72094
PAL Atari 7800 G62701
PAL Evercade G61287
PAL GameBoy G73
PAL GameBoy Advance G80
PAL GameBoy Color G77
PAL Gamecube G70
PAL Mega Drive 32X G141
PAL N-Gage G63150
PAL Neo Geo Pocket G61530
PAL Neo Geo Pocket Color G37074
PAL Nintendo 3DS G94
PAL Nintendo 64 G62
PAL Nintendo DS G78
PAL Nintendo Switch G87
PAL Playstation G72
PAL Playstation 2 G63
PAL Playstation 3 G75
PAL Playstation 4 G86
PAL Playstation 5 G7469
PAL Playstation Vita G101
PAL Sega Dreamcast G65
PAL Sega Game Gear G121
PAL Sega Master System G51
PAL Sega Mega CD G139
PAL Sega Mega Drive G71
PAL Sega Pico G138
PAL Sega Saturn G97
PAL Super Nintendo G61
PAL Vectrex G133
PAL Videopac G7000 G134
PAL Videopac G7400 G135
PAL Wii G85
PAL Wii U G96
PAL Xbox G88
PAL Xbox 360 G89
PAL Xbox One G95
PAL Xbox Series X G7586
PC FX G6955
PC Gamer Magazine G53045
PC Games G145
Pippin G55669
Playstation G6
Playstation 2 G7
Playstation 3 G12
Playstation 4 G53
Playstation 5 G7468
Playstation Vita G43
Pokemon Mini G143
Polymega G76600
Rumble U G43345
Sega 32X G50
Sega CD G23
Sega Dreamcast G16
Sega Game Gear G20
Sega Genesis G15
Sega Master System G29
Sega Pico G136
Sega Saturn G14
Sharp X68000 G61110
Sinclair ZX81 G77384
Skylanders G48
Starlink G43344
Stoneheart G60326
Strategy Guide G26297
Super Famicom G66
Super Nintendo G13
Supervision G55668
TI-99 G120
TRS-80 G75713
Tapwave Zodiac G51260
Tiger R-Zone G43401
TurboGrafx CD G6927
TurboGrafx-16 G19
UB Funkeys G75110
VTech Socrates G56889
Vectrex G32
Vic-20 G44
Virtual Boy G22
Wholesale G57
Wii G11
Wii U G47
WonderSwan G151
WonderSwan Color G152
Xbox G8
Xbox 360 G10
Xbox One G54
Xbox Series X G7585
ZX Spectrum G44257

Genre Table

Genre Name
Action & Adventure
Beat'em Up
Board & Card
Demo & NFR
Extreme Sports
Hack and Slash
Light Gun
Mini Games
Shoot'em Up
Third Person Shooter
Visual Novel

Condition Table

Condition ID Video Games Cards Comics Coins
1 Loose Ungraded Ungraded Ungraded
2 New & Sealed Grade 8 6.0 AU (50-58)
3 CIB Grade 7 4.0 VF (20-35)
5 Graded Grade 9 8.0 MS62
6 Box only Grade 9.5 9.2 MS64
7 Manual only Grade 10 9.8 MS66
8 Item and Box BGS 10 10.0 F (12-15)
9 Item and Manual Grade 1 2.0 XF (40-45)
10 Box and Manual Grade 2 9.6 MS60
13 Graded CIB Grade 3 3.0 MS61

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