Garchomp Ex Holo 38 Prices

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  Title Set Low Price Mid Price High Price
Amazing Spider-Man [5th Print Garcin] #700 (2013) Comic Books Amazing Spider-Man
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A.X.E.: Eve of Judgment [Garcin Collage] #1 (2022) Comic Books A.X.E.: Eve of Judgment $3.81
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Black Panther [Mr. Garcin] #1 (2023) Comic Books Black Panther $3.99 $3.51 $9.09
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Captain America: Sam Wilson [Mr. Garcin] #1 (2025) Comic Books Captain America: Sam Wilson
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Conan The Barbarian [Mr. Garcin] #25 (2021) Comic Books Conan the Barbarian $65.00
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Deadpool: Seven Slaughters [Mr. Garcin Collage] #1 (2023) Comic Books Deadpool: Seven Slaughters $8.25 $3.52 $8.64
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Garchomp Pokemon Japanese Secret of the Lakes $4.52 $22.68
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Garchomp & Giratina GX #146 Pokemon Unified Minds $15.18 $16.16 $17.50
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Garchomp & Giratina GX #225 Pokemon Japanese Tag All Stars $51.00 $38.98
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Garchomp & Giratina GX #228 Pokemon Unified Minds $25.72 $10.50 $14.11
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Garchomp & Giratina GX #247 Pokemon Unified Minds $36.59 $22.00
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Garchomp & Giratina GX #99 Pokemon Japanese Tag All Stars $6.19 $13.99
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Garchomp & Giratina GX #SM193 Pokemon Promo $27.37 $20.48 $26.84
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Garchomp & Giratina Tag Team GX #32 Pokemon Japanese GG End $4.46
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Garchomp & Giratina Tag Team GX #59 Pokemon Japanese GG End $20.25
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Garchomp & Giratina Tag Team GX #60 Pokemon Japanese GG End $15.00
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Garchomp & Giratina Tag Team GX #66 Pokemon Japanese GG End $19.99
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Garchomp #1 Pokemon POP Series 9 $5.15 $8.00 $9.99
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Garchomp #101 Pokemon Japanese GX Ultra Shiny $2.99
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Garchomp #109 Pokemon Brilliant Stars $1.34
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Garchomp #114 Pokemon Unified Minds $2.12 $9.50
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Garchomp #120 Pokemon Plasma Freeze $129.07 $120.00 $212.79
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Garchomp [1st Edition] Pokemon Japanese Secret of the Lakes $3.81
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Garchomp [1st Edition] #85 Pokemon Japanese Beat of the Frontier $6.99 $19.99
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Garchomp #200 Pokemon Japanese GX Ultra Shiny $10.14 $14.50
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Garchomp #24 Pokemon Japanese GG End $2.97
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Garchomp #28 Pokemon Japanese Ultra Force $4.95
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Garchomp #40 Pokemon Japanese Dragon Blade $4.67
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Garchomp #44 Pokemon Japanese Ultra Moon $2.81
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Garchomp #5 Pokemon Supreme Victors $8.02 $20.00 $30.93
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Garchomp #51 Pokemon Japanese Rage of the Broken Heavens $5.98
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Garchomp #57 Pokemon Japanese Thunder Knuckle $75.90 $119.00 $148.50
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Garchomp #62 Pokemon Forbidden Light $1.69 $6.40
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Garchomp #70 Pokemon BREAKpoint $2.90 $8.06
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Garchomp #75 Pokemon Japanese Star Birth $1.49
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Garchomp #80 Pokemon Japanese EX Battle Boost $4.59
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Garchomp #85 Pokemon Japanese Beat of the Frontier $6.81 $15.00 $19.08
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Garchomp #9 Pokemon Mysterious Treasures $4.00 $30.00 $39.99
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Garchomp #90 Pokemon Dragons Exalted $3.50 $14.76
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Garchomp #91 Pokemon Dragons Exalted $2.54 $10.00 $12.99
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Garchomp #96 Pokemon Legendary Treasures $2.99 $12.99 $19.51
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Garchomp #99 Pokemon Ultra Prism $3.10 $10.67
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Garchomp C #6 Pokemon Japanese Garchomp Half Deck $11.38 $9.50 $9.99
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Garchomp C #60 Pokemon Supreme Victors $4.10 $10.50
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Garchomp C [Crosshatch League] #60 Pokemon Supreme Victors $44.03
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Garchomp C LV. X #145 Pokemon Supreme Victors $14.42 $27.75 $40.48
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Garchomp C LV.X #145 Pokemon Celebrations $3.71 $8.52
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Garchomp C LV.X #7 Pokemon Japanese Garchomp Half Deck $14.99 $25.00
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Garchomp C LV.X #DP46 Pokemon Promo $11.14 $27.58 $41.15
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Garchomp C LV.X Tin Pokemon Diamond & Pearl $950.00
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Garchomp C [Reverse Holo] #60 Pokemon Supreme Victors $6.72
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Garchomp C [Staff] #60 Pokemon Promo $237.86
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Garchomp [Crosshatch Holo] #5 Pokemon Supreme Victors $24.70
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Garchomp ex #219 Pokemon Paradox Rift $5.99 $10.50
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Garchomp ex #245 Pokemon Paradox Rift $36.24 $19.99 $27.03
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Garchomp ex #260 Pokemon Paradox Rift $12.98 $13.07
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Garchomp ex #38 Pokemon Paradox Rift $2.03
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Garchomp Ex #39 Pokemon Japanese Terastal Festival ex $1.27
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Garchomp ex #6 Pokemon Japanese Raging Surf $1.88
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Garchomp ex #76 Pokemon Japanese Raging Surf $6.52
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Garchomp ex #85 Pokemon Japanese Raging Surf $32.34
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Garchomp ex #90 Pokemon Japanese Raging Surf $11.73
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Garchomp EX Collection Box Pokemon Plasma Storm $250.00
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Garchomp Ex [Jumbo] #38 Pokemon Paradox Rift $12.35
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Garchomp EX #XY09 Pokemon Promo $3.95 $8.00 $10.50
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Garchomp EX #XY167 Pokemon Promo $5.90 $19.50
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Garchomp LV. X #18 Pokemon Japanese 25th Anniversary Promo $15.50
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Garchomp LV.X Pokemon Japanese Moonlit Pursuit $14.99 $16.24 $27.95
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Garchomp LV.X [1st Edition] Pokemon Japanese Moonlit Pursuit $11.85 $49.99
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Garchomp LV.X #58/DP-P Pokemon Japanese Promo $31.99
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Garchomp LV.X #97 Pokemon Majestic Dawn $45.00 $104.50 $143.07
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Garchomp [National Championships Staff] #5 Pokemon Supreme Victors $45.00 $97.97
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Garchomp [Reverse Holo] #109 Pokemon Brilliant Stars $2.06 $2.25
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Garchomp [Reverse Holo] #114 Pokemon Unified Minds $2.05 $3.56
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Garchomp [Reverse Holo] #5 Pokemon Supreme Victors $4.99 $10.50 $16.42
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Garchomp [Reverse Holo] #62 Pokemon Forbidden Light $2.30
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Garchomp [Reverse Holo] #70 Pokemon BREAKpoint $2.48 $12.99
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Garchomp [Reverse Holo] #9 Pokemon Mysterious Treasures $4.16
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Garchomp [Reverse Holo] #90 Pokemon Dragons Exalted $3.00
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Garchomp [Reverse Holo] #91 Pokemon Dragons Exalted $3.10
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Garchomp [Reverse Holo] #96 Pokemon Legendary Treasures $3.80
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Garchomp [Reverse Holo] #99 Pokemon Ultra Prism $2.21 $15.49
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Garchomp Spirit Link #XY169 Pokemon Promo $3.95
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Garchomp [Stamped] #114 Pokemon Unified Minds $29.99
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Garchomp #SV40 Pokemon Hidden Fates $5.00 $10.00 $12.77
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Garchomp V #109 Pokemon Japanese VSTAR Universe $1.91
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Garchomp V #117 Pokemon Astral Radiance $1.74
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Garchomp V #178 Pokemon Astral Radiance $6.18 $23.00 $25.00
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Garchomp V #54 Pokemon Japanese Battle Region $1.78
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Garchomp V #79 Pokemon Japanese Battle Region $6.70 $5.99
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Garchomp V #84 Pokemon Japanese Battle Region $40.95 $31.00 $31.98
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Garchomp V #TG23 Pokemon Astral Radiance $53.00 $19.37 $41.59
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Ice Cream Man [Garcin] #25 (2021) Comic Books Ice Cream Man $100.25
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King Conan [Garcin] #1 (2021) Comic Books King Conan $4.51 $5.00 $6.60
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Marvel Comics [Garcin] #1000 (2019) Comic Books Marvel Comics $35.66
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Marvel Comics [Garcin] #1001 (2019) Comic Books Marvel Comics $41.00 $19.43 $26.19
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Marvel Comics [Garcin Collage] #1000 (2019) Comic Books Marvel Comics $20.03 $9.44 $15.30
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Marvel Comics [Garcin Collage] #1001 (2019) Comic Books Marvel Comics $42.92
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Marvel Comics [Garcin Collage Virgin] #1000 (2019) Comic Books Marvel Comics $20.00
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Marvel Comics [Garcin Virgin] #1000 (2019) Comic Books Marvel Comics $20.00
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Mega Garchomp EX #XY168 Pokemon Promo $33.96 $79.90
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Mighty Thor [Garcin] #22 (2012) Comic Books Mighty Thor $32.92
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Miles Morales: Spider-Man [Mr. Garcin] #18 (2024) Comic Books Miles Morales: Spider-Man $8.99 $3.80 $6.38
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Pokemon X [Garchomp] Nintendo 3DS $42.25 $49.16 $74.00
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Spider-Man: Black Suit & Blood [Mr. Garcin] #1 (2024) Comic Books Spider-Man: Black Suit & Blood $6.82 $6.50 $11.96
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Spider-Woman [Garcin Collage] #1 (2020) Comic Books Spider-Woman $5.99 $2.80 $8.04
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Garcin Foil Virgin] #150 (2024) Comic Books Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles $44.62 $30.06 $36.33
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles [Mr. Garcin Shredder Collage Virgin] #1 (2024) Comic Books Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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The Immortal Hulk [Garcin] #50 (2021) Comic Books Immortal Hulk $9.00 $4.03 $9.29
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The Incredible Hulk [Garcin] #6 (2023) Comic Books Incredible Hulk $4.59 $7.85 $13.50
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Uncanny X-Men [Mr. Garcin] #1 (2024) Comic Books Uncanny X-Men $6.38 $6.37 $11.82
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Venom [Garcin] #35 (2021) Comic Books Venom $8.33 $13.34 $19.92
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X Lives of Wolverine [Garcin] #1 (2022) Comic Books X Lives of Wolverine $10.46 $4.64 $9.91
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