Blue-Eyes White Dragon MVP1-ENGV4
Dark Magician Girl MVP1-ENS56
Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon MVP1-ENS46
Blue-Eyes White Dragon MVP1-ENS55
Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon MVP1-ENG46
Dark Magician Girl [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG56
Dark Magician [Limited Edition] MVP1-ENGV3
Dark Magician [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG54
Blue-Eyes White Dragon [1st Edition] MVP1-ENGV4
Blue-Eyes White Dragon [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG55
Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon [1st Edition] MVP1-EN046
Slifer the Sky Dragon [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG57
Obelisk The Tormentor MVPC-EN001
Blue-Eyes White Dragon MVP1-ENSV4
Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon MVP1-ENS04
Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG04
Blue-Eyes White Dragon [1st Edition Ultra Rare] MVP1-EN055
Obelisk the Tormentor MVP1-ENSV5
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon MVP1-ENS01
Dark Magician MVP1-ENGV3
Dark Magician MVP1-ENS54
Dark Magician MVP1-ENSV3
Krystal Dragon MVP1-ENGV2
Slifer the Sky Dragon MVP1-ENSV6
Slifer the Sky Dragon MVP1-ENS57
Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon MVP1-EN046
Apple Magician Girl [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG15
Dark Magician Girl MVP1-ENG56
Deep-Eyes White Dragon MVP1-ENS05
Blue-Eyes White Dragon MVP1-ENSE4
Palladium Oracle Mahad [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG53
Slifer the Sky Dragon MVP1-ENG57
Apple Magician Girl MVP1-ENS15
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon MVP1-ENG01
Lemon Magician Girl MVP1-ENS51
Palladium Oracle Mahad MVP1-ENS53
Deep-Eyes White Dragon [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG05
Dark Magician MVP1-ENSE3
Celtic Guard of Noble Arms [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG48
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon [1st Edition Ultra Rare] MVP1-EN001
Blue-Eyes White Dragon MVP1-ENG55
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG01
Lord Gaia the Fierce Knight [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG50
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon [1st Edition] MVP1-EN001
Berry Magician Girl [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG14
Slifer The Sky Dragon MVP1-EN057
Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon MVP1-ENG04
Chocolate Magician Girl [1st Edition] MVP1-ENG52
Celtic Guard of Noble Arms MVP1-ENS48
Deep-Eyes White Dragon MVP1-ENG05