Booster Box
Booster Pack
The Masked Beast SM-00
The Masked Beast [Ultimate Rare] SM-00
Swordsman of Landstar SM-01
Humanoid Worm Drake SM-04
Revival Jam SM-05
Amphibian Beast SM-07
Nuvia the Wicked [Ultra Parallel Rare] SM-12
Chosen One SM-13
Mask of Weakness SM-14
Curse of the Masked Beast SM-15
Mask of Restrict [Ultra Parallel Rare] SM-17
Mask of the Accursed SM-18
Mask of Brutality SM-19
Return of the Doomed SM-20
Tornado Wall SM-22
Torrential Tribute SM-24
Card of Safe Return SM-28
Card of Safe Return [Ultra Parallel Rare] SM-28
Fire Princess SM-33
Offerings to the Doomed SM-50
Blue-Eyes White Dragon SM-51
Grand Tiki Elder SM-10
Mask of Dispel SM-16
Mask of Restrict SM-17
Lightning Blade SM-21
Jam Breeding Machine SM-25
Infinite Cards SM-26
Empress Mantis SM-39
St. Joan SM-44
Darklord Marie SM-45
Jar of Greed SM-46
United We Stand SM-48
Nuvia the Wicked SM-12
Amazoness Archer SM-31
Fire Sorcerer SM-35
The Forgiving Maiden SM-43
Scroll of Bewitchment SM-47
Cure Mermaid SM-40
Mage Power SM-49
Humanoid Slime SM-02
Worm Drake SM-03
Flying Fish SM-06
Shining Abyss SM-08
Gadget Soldier SM-09
Melchid the Four-Face Beast SM-11
Fairy Box SM-23
Jam Defender SM-27
Lady Panther SM-29