Salamangreat Falco SOFU-JP004
Dinowrestler Systegosaur SOFU-JP008
Galaxy Brave SOFU-JP011
Orcust Brass Bombard SOFU-JP014
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton SOFU-JP015
World Legacy - World Wand SOFU-JP017
Impcantation Penciplume SOFU-JP023
Impcantation Bookstone SOFU-JP024
Mystrick Hulder [20th Secret Rare] SOFU-JP026
Diana the Light Spirit SOFU-JP027
Condemned Witch [20th Secret Rare] SOFU-JP028
Condemned Witch [Secret Rare] SOFU-JP028
Bearblocker SOFU-JP029
Two-for-One Team SOFU-JP032
Cyberse Clock Dragon [Holographic Rare] SOFU-JP034
Cyberse Clock Dragon [Secret Rare] SOFU-JP034
Thunder Dragon Colossus [Secret Rare] SOFU-JP036
Thunder Dragon Titan [Secret Rare] SOFU-JP037
Diplexer Chimera SOFU-JP038
Clock Spartoi SOFU-JP039
Salamangreat Heatleo [20th Secret Rare] SOFU-JP040
Dinowrestler King T Wrextle SOFU-JP041
Galaxy-Eyes Solflare Dragon [20th Secret Rare] SOFU-JP042
Galaxy-Eyes Solflare Dragon [Ultimate Rare] SOFU-JP042
Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator [20th Secret Rare] SOFU-JP044
Orcustrion [20th Secret Rare] SOFU-JP045
Folgo, Justice Fur Hire [Ultimate Rare] SOFU-JP047
Extra-Foolish Burial [20th Secret Rare] SOFU-JP065
Necrovalley Temple SOFU-JP068
Orcustrated Attack SOFU-JP070
Orcustrated Core SOFU-JP071
Chaos Dragon Levianeer [Ultimate Rare] SOFU-JP025
Cyberse Clock Dragon [Ultimate Rare] SOFU-JP034
Salamangreat Jack Jaguar SOFU-JP005
Thunder Dragonduo SOFU-JP022
Condemned Witch SOFU-JP028
Gokipole SOFU-JP030
Salamangreat Heatleo [Secret Rare] SOFU-JP040
Mystrick Hulder SOFU-JP026
Cyberse Clock Dragon SOFU-JP034
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton SOFU-JP043
Dinowrestler Capaptera SOFU-JP006
Gravekeeper's Spiritualist SOFU-JP013
Thunder Dragonhawk SOFU-JP020
Salamangreat Gift SOFU-JP067
Booster Box
Booster Pack
Clock Wyvern SOFU-JP001
Salamangreat Meer SOFU-JP002
Salamangreat Foxy SOFU-JP003