Neo Bug 307-003
Burning Algae 307-007
Molten Zombie 307-009
Dark Magician of Chaos 307-010
Dark Magician of Chaos [Ultimate Rare] 307-010
Dark Magician of Chaos [Ultra Parallel Rare] 307-010
Gora Turtle of Illusion 307-011
Manticore of Darkness 307-012
Enraged Battle Ox 307-015
Dark Driceratops 307-018
Hyper Hammerhead 307-019
Black Tyranno [Ultra Parallel Rare] 307-020
Anti-Aircraft Flower 307-021
Prickle Fairy 307-022
Pinch Hopper 307-023
Insect Princess [Ultra Parallel Rare] 307-025
Levia-Dragon - Daedalus 307-028
Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness 307-029
Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands 307-033
Ryu Kokki 307-035
Stray Lambs 307-037
Dimension Fusion 307-039
Salvage 307-041
Ultra Evolution Pill 307-042
Earth Chant 307-044
Fiend's Hand Mirror 307-047
Self-Destruct Button 307-050
Curse of Darkness 307-051
Robbin' Zombie 307-054
Trap Jammer 307-055
Invader of Darkness 307-056
Exodia the Forbidden One 307-057
Giga Gagagigo 307-001
Mad Dog of Darkness 307-002
Sea Serpent Warrior of Darkness 307-004
Terrorking Salmon 307-005
Blazing Inpachi 307-006
The Thing in the Crater 307-008
Stealth Bird 307-013
Sacred Crane 307-014
Don Turtle 307-016
Balloon Lizard 307-017
Black Tyranno 307-020
Skull-Mark Ladybug 307-024
Torpedo Fish 307-027
Cannonball Spear Shellfish 307-030
Mataza the Zapper 307-031
Getsu Fuhma 307-034
Smashing Ground 307-038
Multiplication of Ants 307-043