Slifer the Sky Dragon EGS1-EN001
Harpie's Feather Duster EGS1-EN022
Millennium Seeker EGS1-EN005
Soul Crossing EGS1-EN002
Thunderforce Attack EGS1-EN003
Ultimate Divine-Beast EGS1-EN004
Tellus the Little Angel EGS1-EN006
Reactor Slime EGS1-EN020
Ahrima, the Wicked Warden EGS1-EN016
Mirror Force EGS1-EN034
Swords of Revealing Light EGS1-EN021
Monster Reborn EGS1-EN023
Book of Moon EGS1-EN024
Duke Shade, the Sinister Shadow Lord EGS1-EN017
Breaker the Dark Magical Warrior EGS1-EN014
The Golden Apples EGS1-EN037
Breaker the Magical Warrior EGS1-EN007
Enemy Controller EGS1-EN025
Card Guard EGS1-EN011
Clock Wyvern EGS1-EN018
Tenyi Spirit - Vishuda EGS1-EN019
Pot of Avarice EGS1-EN026
Nine-Tailed Fox EGS1-EN009
Phantom Skyblaster EGS1-EN010
Caligo Claw Crow EGS1-EN012
Scapeghost EGS1-EN015
Metal Reflect Slime EGS1-EN036
Beast King Barbaros EGS1-EN008
Lair of Darkness EGS1-EN032
Back to the Front EGS1-EN038
Electromagnetic Turtle EGS1-EN013
March of the Monarchs EGS1-EN027
One-Time Passcode EGS1-EN031
Supply Squad EGS1-EN028
Card Advance EGS1-EN029
The True Name EGS1-EN030
Draw of Fate EGS1-EN033
Reckless Greed EGS1-EN035