Blackwing - Bora the Spear DT03-EN002
Time Wizard DT03-EN004
Newdoria DT03-EN005
Lava Golem DT03-EN006
Elemental Hero Prisma DT03-EN007
Fabled Krus DT03-EN009
Naturia Cliff DT03-EN019
Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem DT03-EN033
Dark Paladin DT03-EN034
Elemental Hero Flame Wingman DT03-EN035
Fabled Leviathan DT03-EN036
Naturia Barkion DT03-EN038
Locomotion R-Genex DT03-EN039
Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier DT03-EN040
Nobleman of Crossout DT03-EN042
Smashing Ground DT03-EN043
Burial from a Different Dimension DT03-EN044
Compulsory Evacuation Device DT03-EN046
Threatening Roar DT03-EN047
Widespread Ruin DT03-EN050
Golden Ladybug DT03-EN053
Destiny Hero - Malicious DT03-EN055
Night Assailant DT03-EN056
Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest DT03-EN057
Elemental Hero Stratos DT03-EN058
Dragunity Dux DT03-EN059
Dragunity Phalanx DT03-EN063
Jurrac Guaiba DT03-EN068
Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier DT03-EN076
Worm Yagan DT03-EN083
Cyber Twin Dragon DT03-EN085
Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman DT03-EN086
Dragunity Knight - Gae Bulg DT03-EN087
Fabled Ragin DT03-EN088
Vindikite R-Genex DT03-EN089
Ally of Justice Decisive Armor DT03-EN090
Book of Moon DT03-EN093
Offering to the Snake Deity DT03-EN096
Skill Drain DT03-EN098
Ultimate Offering DT03-EN099
Waboku DT03-EN100
Junk Synchron DT03-EN003
Fabled Soulkius DT03-EN011
Samurai of the Ice Barrier DT03-EN026
Ally of Justice Cycle Reader DT03-EN080
Brain Control DT03-EN094
Dewdark of the Ice Barrier DT03-EN027
Dragunity Tribus DT03-EN061
Fabled Ashenveil DT03-EN065
Jurrac Stauriko DT03-EN069