Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier DT01-EN031
Blue-Eyes White Dragon DT01-EN001
Red-Eyes Black Dragon DT01-EN003
Dark Magician DT01-EN002
Ojama Yellow DT01-EN004
Elemental HERO Neos DT01-EN005
Buster Blader DT01-EN006
Cyber Dragon DT01-EN009
Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier DT01-EN012
X-Saber Airbellum DT01-EN020
Mist Wurm DT01-EN032
X-Saber Urbellum DT01-EN034
Ally of Justice Catastor DT01-EN035
Soul Exchange DT01-EN036
Dark Magic Attack DT01-EN040
Inferno Fire Blast DT01-EN041
Dust Tornado DT01-EN046
Ghost Gardna DT01-EN052
Handcuffs Dragon DT01-EN055
Harpie Lady 1 DT01-EN057
Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus DT01-EN058
Genex Controller DT01-EN059
Genex Undine DT01-EN060
Royal Knight of the Ice Barrier DT01-EN065
Ally Salvo DT01-EN077
Goyo Guardian DT01-EN087
Hydro Genex DT01-EN088
Mystical Space Typhoon DT01-EN093
Kuriboh DT01-EN007
Wrath of Neos DT01-EN042
X-Saber Pashuul DT01-EN076
Nitro Warrior DT01-EN086
Ally of Justice Light Gazer DT01-EN090
Flamvell Magician DT01-EN017
Flamvell Guard DT01-EN018
Malevolent Nuzzler DT01-EN037
Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight DT01-EN056
Flamvell Poun DT01-EN070
Worm King DT01-EN085
X-Saber Wayne DT01-EN089
Winged Kuriboh DT01-EN008
Mist Valley Soldier DT01-EN015
Ally of Justice Clausolas DT01-EN023
Reinforcements DT01-EN049
Nitro Synchron DT01-EN051
Genex Power Planner DT01-EN061
X-Saber Anu Piranha DT01-EN073
Worm Illidan DT01-EN083
Michizure DT01-EN096
Black Horn of Heaven DT01-EN100