Prices for Magic Unlimited Magic Cards
Magic Unlimited card list & price guide. Ungraded & graded values for all MTG 2ED
Magic Cards.
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Prices are updated based upon Magic Unlimited listings that sold on eBay and other marketplaces.
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PriceCharting Index: Magic Unlimited
Average ungraded base card value (excludes variants) for Magic Unlimited | Compare vs.
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Card | Ungraded | Grade 9 | PSA 10 | |||
Black Lotus | $9,979.32 | $22,100.00 |
Timetwister | $3,875.00 | $6,591.00 |
Ancestral Recall | $2,525.32 | $5,856.45 | $9,999.99 |
Mox Pearl | $2,160.30 | $4,017.00 |
Time Walk | $2,284.50 | $4,814.21 |
Mox Sapphire | $2,932.48 | $5,141.18 | $18,000.00 |
Chaos Orb | $776.05 | $1,895.00 |
Birds of Paradise | $139.51 | $405.00 |
Time Vault | $900.00 | $1,399.00 |
Wheel of Fortune | $313.04 | $596.00 | $2,999.00 |
Volcanic Island | $770.00 | $1,725.00 |
Serra Angel | $27.25 | $117.60 | $295.11 |
Bayou | $416.02 | $989.99 |
Mox Emerald | $2,313.00 | $3,887.00 |
Tropical Island | $620.00 | $1,030.63 |
Personal Incarnation | $11.38 | $51.46 | $399.99 |
Royal Assassin | $70.79 | $296.83 |
Throne of Bone | $1.89 | $17.02 |
Badlands | $475.00 | $823.33 | $1,486.95 |
Berserk | $90.00 | $138.85 | $448.44 |
Demonic Tutor | $57.00 | $146.21 |
Earthbind | $6.77 | $50.00 | $265.19 |
Plague Rats | $2.39 |
Red Elemental Blast | $5.03 | $52.00 |
Crusade | $158.56 | $400.00 |
Fastbond | $55.36 | $170.44 |
Mox Jet | $2,450.05 | $5,600.00 |
Shivan Dragon | $138.50 | $525.00 |
Stream of Life | $1.65 | $53.09 |
Tundra | $707.48 | $1,350.00 |
Pearled Unicorn | $1.69 | $33.00 | $45.94 |
Stone Rain | $2.23 | $50.50 | $168.90 |
Swamp | $3.40 | $18.00 | $199.99 |
Wall of Wood | $1.49 | $23.02 | $104.01 |
Word of Command | $149.75 | $273.00 |
Ankh of Mishra | $50.36 | $92.42 |
Bad Moon | $46.09 | $102.50 | $375.00 |
Dark Ritual | $8.76 | $38.00 | $500.00 |
Gaea's Liege | $18.71 | $53.02 |
Howl from Beyond | $1.56 | $34.00 |
Icy Manipulator | $41.79 | $162.00 | $1,070.30 |
Merfolk of the Pearl Trident | $1.48 | $9.38 | $87.90 |
Mountain [B] | $3.89 |
Phantasmal Forces | $3.73 | $37.10 |
Sol Ring | $66.48 | $158.25 | $601.00 |
Taiga | $474.97 | $879.00 |
Copy Artifact | $171.09 | $665.00 | $952.01 |
Firebreathing | $1.49 | $69.99 |
Gray Ogre | $1.88 | $8.55 |
Ironclaw Orcs | $2.69 | $29.24 | $107.89 |