Trailer Park Boys
Lady Justice #2 (1995)
Queen & Country #1 (2002)
Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (2002)
Donald Duck Adventures (2003)
Way of the Rat #1 (2003)
Batman Adventures #1 (2003)
Ultimate X-Men #1 (2003)
Star Wars Clone Wars Adventures (2004)
Marvel Age Spider-Man #1 (2004)
Teen Titans Go #1 (2004)
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge #1 (2005)
Bongo Comics Gimme Gimme Giveaway! #1 (2005)
Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man & Fantastic Four #1 (2005)
The Batman Strikes #1 (2005)
Justice League Unlimited #1 (2006)
Bongo Comics Free-For-All (2006)
Superman / Batman #1 (2006)
Astounding Wolf-Man #1 (2007)
Umbrella Academy (2007)
Bongo Comics Free-For-All #1 (2007)
Marvel Adventures: Iron Man & Hulk #1 (2007)
Spider-Man #1 (2007)
Hellboy #1 (2008)
All-Star Superman #1 (2008)
Bongo Comics Free-For-All #1 (2008)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 25th Anniversary #1 (2009)
Avengers #1 (2009)
Bongo Comics Free-For-All #1 (2009)
Star Wars The Clone Wars (2009)
Wolverine: Origin of an X-Man #1 (2009)
Savage Dragon #148 (2009)
Blackest Night (2009)
Blackest Night [SDCC] #0 (2009)
Green Hornet #1 (2010)
Bongo Comics Free-For-All #1 (2010)
Iron Man / Thor #1 (2010)
Irredeemable #1 (2010)
Sonic The Hedeghog: Hide And Seek And Destroy (2010)
Star Wars: Invasion - Rescues #1 (2010)
The Tick #1 (2010)
War Of The Supermen (2010)
Captain America / Thor - The Mighty Fighting Avengers #1 (2011)
Bongo Comics Free-For-All #1 (2011)
Star Wars The Clone Wars (2011)
The Amazing Spider-Man #1 (2011)
Mega Man: Origin Of A Hero #1 (2012)
Avengers - Age of Ultron #0.1 (2012)
Avengers - Age of Ultron [Texas ToyZ] #0.1 (2012)
Bongo Comics Free-For-All #1 (2012)