[Volume 3] Track & Field II
[Volume 5] Ninja Gaiden
[Volume 7] Mega Man 2
[Volume 8] Duck Tales
[Volume 9] Tetris
[Volume 10] Batman
[Volume 12] Super C
[Volume 14] Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
[Volume 15] Ninja Gaiden II Strategy Guide
[Volume 4] Zelda II
[Volume 16] Maniac Mansion
[Volume 17] Final Fantasy Strategy Guide
[Volume 18] Dr Mario
[Volume 19] 4 Player Extra Strategy Guide
[Volume 20] Mega Man III
[Volume 21] Star Tropics
[Volume 22] Metal Storm
[Volume 23] Power Blade
[Volume 24] Vice: Project Doom
[Volume 25] Battle Toads
[Volume 26] Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
[Volume 27] Mega Man in Dr. Wily's Revenge
[Volume 28] Super Mario World
[Volume 29] Star Trek
[Volume 30] Final Fantasy II
[Volume 31] Metroid
[Volume 32] Super Castlevania IV
[Volume 33] TMNT III: The Manhattan Project
[Volume 35] WWF Super Wrestlemania
[Volume 36] Darkwing Duck
[Volume 37] Lemmings
[Volume 38] Street Fighter II
[Volume 39] Mario Paint
[Volume 40] Felix the Cat
[Volume 41] Super Mario Kart
[Volume 42] Super Star Wars
20 Years Of Nintendo Power
[Volume 43] Road Runner's Death Valley Rally
[Volume 44] Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse
[Volume 45] Addam's Family Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt
[Volume 46] Tiny Toon Adv. Buster Busts Loose
[Volume 47] Star Fox
[Volume 48] Batman Returns
[Volume 49] BattleToads and Double Dragon
[Volume 51] Street Fighter 2: Turbo
[Volume 52] Super Mario All-Stars
[Volume 53] Super Empire Strikes Back
[Volume 54] Secret of Mana
[Volume 55] Aladdin
[Volume 56] Mega Man X