M [Foil] 103
Majin Yakon the Absorber [Foil] 105
Orange Backstab [Foil] 107
Red Face Slap [Foil] 108
Majin Dabura Meditated [Foil] 109
Majin Vegeta Uncontrollable 113
Majin Vegeta the Malicious 114
Majin Vegeta the Malicious [Foil] 114
Orange Rapid Attack [Foil] 115
Red Energy Rings [Foil] 116
Red Meditation Drill [Foil] 117
Red Sniping Shot [Foil] 118
Supreme Kai the Mentor [Foil] 121
Majin Vegeta [Foil] 122
Orange Firebreath [Foil] 19
Red Slide [Foil] 23
Saiyan Might [Foil] 28
Majin Babidi's Ship [Foil] 35
Black Backstab [Foil] 36
Black Conservation Drill [Foil] 37
Black Face Crush [Foil] 38
Black Pummeling Strike [Foil] 39
Black Reverse Kick [Foil] 40
Majin Vegeta 47
Black Power Catch [Foil] 5
Majin Dabura's Petrifying Spit [Foil] 50
Goku's Berserk [Foil] 53
Majin Defense Drill [Foil] 60
Majin Power Drill [Foil] 63
Orange Critical Hit [Foil] 74
Red Air Kick [Foil] 82
Splash Damage Drill [Foil] 84
Majin Vegeta's Rage [Foil] 91
Majin Babidi's Power Extension [Foil] 94
Black Pivot Kick [Foil] 95
Gohan Energized [Foil] 98
Goku the Legendary 99
Majin Quickness [Foil] 110
Blue Trapped Strike [Foil] 111
Heroic Sword Catch [Foil] 112
Risky Maneuver [Foil] 119
Saiyan Headshot [Foil] 120
Hercules Power Stance [Foil] 13
Orange Right Punch [Foil] 20
Red Thrusting Beam [Foil] 24
Straining Counter Punch [Foil] 31
Black Surprise Maneuver [Foil] 41
Majin Yakon [Foil] 70
Majin Yakon the Monster [Foil] 71
Surprising Strength Drill [Foil] 85