Precios de YuGiOh Tournament Pack: 2nd Season Tarjetas de YuGiOh
Lista de tarjetas YuGiOh Tournament Pack: 2nd Season y guía de precios. Sin calificar y valores calificados para todos Yu-Gi-Oh TP2
Tarjetas de YuGiOh.
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PriceCharting Index: YuGiOh Tournament Pack: 2nd Season
Valor promedio de la tarjeta base sin calificar (excluye variantes) para YuGiOh Tournament Pack: 2nd Season | Compare vs.
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Tarjeta | Sin Calificar | Grade 9 | PSA 10 | |||
Morphing Jar TP2-001 | $1,001.40 | $2,310.00 | $4,663.88 |
Warrior of Tradition TP2-014 | $82.65 | $100.00 | $279.75 |
Dancing Elf TP2-016 | $16.66 | $46.00 | $170.60 |
Skull Guardian TP2-007 | $120.00 | $193.00 | $400.00 |
Dragon Seeker TP2-002 | $119.99 | $400.00 | $510.27 |
Crawling Dragon TP2-027 | $5.45 | $26.37 | $100.00 |
Beautiful Headhuntress TP2-011 | $89.00 | $124.13 | $749.90 |
Booster Pack | $90.21 | $599.99 |
Giant Red Seasnake TP2-003 | $60.00 | $162.50 | $916.52 |
Exile of the Wicked TP2-004 | $60.00 | $72.00 | $225.00 |
Call of the Grave TP2-005 | $63.04 | $76.75 | $607.03 |
Mikazukinoyaiba TP2-006 | $41.45 | $85.00 | $2,129.96 |
Novox's Prayer TP2-008 | $31.45 | $90.00 | $1,375.46 |
Dokurorider TP2-009 | $68.05 | $172.00 | $700.00 |
Revival of Dokurorider TP2-010 | $25.00 | $77.50 | $93.00 |
Sonic Maid TP2-012 | $45.50 | $69.95 | $157.73 |
Mystical Sheep TP2-013 | $30.08 | $70.94 | $1,320.52 |
Soul of the Pure TP2-015 | $14.00 | $101.94 | $809.99 |
Dharma Cannon TP2-018 | $4.45 | $17.00 | $222.04 |
Spirit of the Books TP2-020 | $4.28 | $16.00 | $51.00 |
Faith Bird TP2-021 | $3.77 | $15.00 | $26.25 |
Takuhee TP2-022 | $2.45 | $12.00 | $146.41 |
Maiden of the Moonlight TP2-023 | $14.61 | $64.85 | $143.99 |
Queen of Autumn Leaves TP2-024 | $15.00 | $76.31 | $671.79 |
Two-Headed King Rex TP2-025 | $4.95 | $46.92 | $250.00 |
Garoozis TP2-026 | $7.00 | $43.40 | $195.00 |
Parrot Dragon TP2-028 | $11.50 | $25.46 | $160.42 |
Sky Dragon TP2-029 | $7.48 | $40.00 | $50.50 |
Water Magician TP2-030 | $4.44 | $21.67 | $68.20 |
Turu-Purun TP2-017 | $6.33 | $21.00 | $119.01 |
Stuffed Animal TP2-019 | $5.54 | $24.00 | $93.84 |