Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord GAOV-JP002
Overlay Owl GAOV-JP003
Tasuke Knight GAOV-JP004
Gagaga Gardna GAOV-JP005
Cardcar D GAOV-JP006
Overlay Eater GAOV-JP007
Hammer Shark GAOV-JP008
Hammer Bounzer GAOV-JP009
Blade Bounzer GAOV-JP010
Phantom Bounzer GAOV-JP011
Morpho Butterspy GAOV-JP012
Swallowtail Butterspy GAOV-JP013
Moonlit Papillon GAOV-JP014
Rocket Arrow Express GAOV-JP016
Cameraclops GAOV-JP017
Hieratic Dragon of Nuit GAOV-JP018
Hieratic Dragon of Eset GAOV-JP020
Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet GAOV-JP021
Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit GAOV-JP022
Hieratic Dragon of Su GAOV-JP023
Hieratic Dragon of Asar GAOV-JP024
Evoltile Lagosucho GAOV-JP026
Evolsaur Darwino GAOV-JP027
Inzektor Firefly GAOV-JP028
Inzektor Ladybug GAOV-JP029
Inzektor Earwig GAOV-JP030
Inzektor Giga-Cricket GAOV-JP031
Lightray Gearfried GAOV-JP034
Lightray Diabolos GAOV-JP035
Absorbing Jar GAOV-JP037
Red-Headed Oni GAOV-JP038
Flame Tiger GAOV-JP039
Nomadic Force GAOV-JP040
Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon GAOV-JP041
Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon [Holographic Rare] GAOV-JP041
Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon [Ultimate Rare] GAOV-JP041
Number 32: Shark Drake GAOV-JP042
Photon Strike Bounzer GAOV-JP043
Photon Papilloperative GAOV-JP044
Hieratic Dragon King of Atum GAOV-JP047
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis [Ultimate Rare] GAOV-JP048
Queen Dragun Djinn GAOV-JP049
Inzektor Exa-Stag [Ultimate Rare] GAOV-JP050
Bound Wand GAOV-JP051
Mini-Guts GAOV-JP052
Falling Current GAOV-JP053
Berserk Scales GAOV-JP054
Night Beam GAOV-JP055
Hieratic Seal of Convocation GAOV-JP056
Hieratic Seal of Supremacy GAOV-JP057