Black Rose Dragon DUDE-EN010
Underclock Taker DUDE-EN020
Gaia Saber, the Lightning Shadow DUDE-EN022
Topologic Bomber Dragon DUDE-EN025
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring DUDE-EN003
Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood DUDE-EN005
Clear Wing Fast Dragon DUDE-EN011
Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit DUDE-EN001
Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion DUDE-EN004
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier DUDE-EN008
Stardust Spark Dragon DUDE-EN012
Super Polymerization DUDE-EN040
Decode Talker Extended DUDE-EN024
Gate Blocker DUDE-EN029
Red Blossoms from Underroot DUDE-EN006
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier DUDE-EN014
Effect Veiler DUDE-EN028
Forbidden Apocrypha DUDE-EN047
Number 101: Silent Honor ARK DUDE-EN017
Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer DUDE-EN018
D.D. Crow DUDE-EN027
Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju DUDE-EN037
Called by the Grave DUDE-EN044
There Can Be Only One DUDE-EN053
Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend DUDE-EN013
Typhoon DUDE-EN046
Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries DUDE-EN002
Decode Talker DUDE-EN023
Saryuja Skull Dread DUDE-EN026
Spell Canceller DUDE-EN032
Effect Veiler [Misprint] DUDE-EN028
Solemn Strike DUDE-EN055
Solemn Strike [Misprint] DUDE-EN055
Abyss Dweller DUDE-EN016
Tornado Dragon DUDE-EN019
Vanity's Fiend DUDE-EN034
Cosmic Cyclone DUDE-EN043
Dimensional Barrier DUDE-EN048
Anti-Spell Fragrance DUDE-EN052
Ally of Justice Catastor DUDE-EN007
Metaphys Horus DUDE-EN009
Vermillion Dragon Mech DUDE-EN015
LANphorhynchus DUDE-EN021
Denko Sekka DUDE-EN030
Inspector Boarder DUDE-EN031
Artifact Lancea DUDE-EN033
Majesty's Fiend DUDE-EN035
Dinowrestler Pankratops DUDE-EN036
Mind Control DUDE-EN038
Wave-Motion Cannon DUDE-EN039