The Secret Apprentice #RP-1
The Secret Apprentice [Kashyyyk Green Refractor] #RP-1
The Secret Apprentice [Rebel Orange Refractor] #RP-1
The Duel with Yoda #RP-11
The Duel with Yoda [Dathomir Red Refractor] #RP-11
The Duel with Yoda [Kashyyyk Green Refractor] #RP-11
The Duel with Yoda [Mustafar Lava Refractor] #RP-11
Extracting Vader from Mustafar [Kashyyyk Green Refractor] #RP-12
Arrival at the Second Death Star #RP-14
Darth Vader's Betrayal #RP-17
Darth Vader's Betrayal [Dathomir Red Refractor] #RP-17
Darth Vader's Betrayal [Gold Refractor] #RP-17
Darth Vader's Betrayal [Mustafar Lava Refractor] #RP-17
Darth Vader's Betrayal [Rebel Orange Refractor] #RP-17
Palpatine Resurrected [Dathomir Red Refractor] #RP-18
Palpatine Resurrected [Gold Refractor] #RP-18
Palpatine Resurrected [Mustafar Lava Refractor] #RP-18
Palpatine Resurrected [Rebel Orange Refractor] #RP-18
Advisor to Queen Amidala #RP-2
Advisor to Queen Amidala [Dathomir Red Refractor] #RP-2
Civil War with the Separatists #RP-4
Civil War with the Separatists [Mustafar Lava Refractor] #RP-4
Emergency Powers [Gold Refractor] #RP-5
The Tale of Darth Plagueis [Dathomir Red Refractor] #RP-7
The Tale of Darth Plagueis [Gold Refractor] #RP-7
The Jedi's Attempt to Seize Control #RP-8
Order 66 #RP-9
Order 66 [Gold Refractor] #RP-9
Order 66 [Kashyyyk Green Refractor] #RP-9
Order 66 [Mustafar Lava Refractor] #RP-9
Order 66 [Rebel Orange Refractor] #RP-9
Palpatine Resurrected [Kashyyyk Green Refractor] #RP-18
The Secret Geonosian Superweapon #RP-6
The Tale of Darth Plagueis [Kashyyyk Green Refractor] #RP-7
The Duel with Yoda [Refractor] #RP-11
The Offspring of Anakin Skywalker #RP-13
Order 66 [Refractor] #RP-9
Palpatine Resurrected #RP-18
Emergency Powers #RP-5
Luring the Rebellion Into a Trap #RP-15
The Secret Sith Fleet #RP-19
The Secret Sith Fleet [Kashyyyk Green Refractor] #RP-19
Emergency Powers [Rebel Orange Refractor] #RP-5
The Secret Apprentice [Dathomir Red Refractor] #RP-1
The Secret Apprentice [Gold Refractor] #RP-1
The Secret Apprentice [Mustafar Lava Refractor] #RP-1
The Secret Apprentice [Refractor] #RP-1
The Secret Apprentice [Superfractor] #RP-1
The First Galactic Empire #RP-10
The First Galactic Empire [Dathomir Red Refractor] #RP-10