Precios de Magic Arabian Nights Tarjetas de Magic
Lista de tarjetas Magic Arabian Nights y guía de precios. Sin calificar y valores calificados para todos MTG ARN
Tarjetas de Magic.
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PriceCharting Index: Magic Arabian Nights
Valor promedio de la tarjeta base sin calificar (excluye variantes) para Magic Arabian Nights | Compare vs.
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Tarjeta | Sin Calificar | Grade 9 | PSA 10 | |||
Bazaar of Baghdad | $1,757.99 | $2,349.00 | $8,571.99 |
Juzam Djinn | $1,263.34 | $2,958.56 | $7,800.00 |
Library of Alexandria | $1,028.68 | $2,189.99 |
Stone-Throwing Devils | $54.78 | $316.00 | $862.53 |
Mountain | $147.76 | $294.00 | $1,563.22 |
Drop of Honey | $325.00 | $632.60 | $2,986.26 |
Guardian Beast | $439.99 | $927.78 | $1,691.66 |
Diamond Valley | $394.76 | $830.86 | $1,897.42 |
Jihad | $367.17 | $888.00 |
Booster Pack | $2,656.58 |
Giant Tortoise | $4.55 | $34.99 | $305.98 |
City of Brass | $378.20 | $604.11 | $2,016.19 |
Kird Ape | $9.50 | $39.00 | $278.26 |
Repentant Blacksmith | $29.49 | $107.32 |
Ali from Cairo | $228.33 | $574.50 | $3,000.00 |
War Elephant | $4.25 | $61.51 | $374.00 |
Aladdin's Lamp | $27.69 | $139.64 | $466.51 |
Metamorphosis | $3.92 | $60.00 | $253.08 |
Ali Baba | $12.48 | $121.25 | $448.00 |
Erhnam Djinn | $228.76 | $399.00 |
Booster Box | $212,500.00 |
Desert | $8.03 | $51.00 | $270.00 |
Erg Raiders | $3.99 | $38.00 | $304.24 |
Old Man of the Sea | $189.28 | $377.38 | $2,845.38 |
Abu Ja'far | $18.19 | $103.31 | $666.37 |
Elephant Graveyard | $152.26 | $308.00 |
Junun Efreet | $28.57 | $139.06 | $803.28 |
Mijae Djinn | $28.62 | $118.95 |
Camel | $4.83 | $39.99 | $158.88 |
City in a Bottle | $308.71 | $434.33 | $2,392.00 |
Dandan | $10.36 | $64.51 | $227.63 |
Hasran Ogress | $2.47 | $45.00 | $284.60 |
Merchant Ship | $24.00 | $107.70 |
Rukh Egg | $13.55 | $83.99 | $174.47 |
Shahrazad | $326.56 | $729.41 | $2,187.34 |
Aladdin | $33.59 | $111.50 | $840.00 |
Army of Allah | $16.67 | $93.86 |
Bottle of Suleiman | $28.15 | $93.80 | $650.87 |
Cuombajj Witches | $7.16 | $39.95 | $328.20 |
Flying Carpet | $15.17 | $135.62 | $391.91 |
Ghazban Ogre | $3.69 | $39.00 | $219.74 |
Ring of Ma'ruf | $67.85 | $170.38 | $1,349.28 |
Sandstorm | $3.95 | $55.51 | $388.14 |
Serendib Efreet | $375.94 | $575.50 | $1,599.19 |
Wyluli Wolf | $5.50 | $179.99 | $295.00 |
Eye for an Eye | $16.88 | $73.95 | $368.49 |
Ifh-Biff Efreet | $138.58 | $180.50 | $1,500.00 |
Island Fish Jasconius | $29.55 | $199.99 |
Juzam Djinn [Oversized Promo] | $16.53 |
Moorish Cavalry | $5.07 | $84.99 | $265.00 |