Son Goku // Son Goku, Story of a forming Wish EX24-01
Sealed Box
Son Gohan // Son Gohan, Former Glory Regained BT19-034
Evil Saiyan // Cumber, Maddening Force BT20-114
Explosive Dance BT23-033
SS Son Goku, Tactful Combat EX24-36
Prince of Destruction Vegeta, Full Control of Majin Power EX24-37
Pan // Pan, Ready to Fight Returns SD17-01
Vegeta // SS Vegeta, Fighting Instincts SD22-01
Son Goku & Vegeta // SSB Vegito, Shining Warrior SD23-01
Bardock's Crew // Bardock, Inherited Will BT18-089
Son Goten // SS Son Gohan & SS Son Goten, Brothers BT22-054
Janemba, Rising Power EX24-22
Piccolo, Shining Orange Strength EX24-24
Gamma 1 & Gamma 2, Stand-Up Heroes EX24-25
Bardock, Direct Combat EX24-34
Tora, Entrusted Saiyan Pride EX24-35
SS Broly, Guided by the Dragon Balls EX24-12
Pan, Miracle to Save the Universe EX24-14
SS4 Son Goku, Power of Family Bonds EX24-18
Pan, Fighting Tomboy EX24-19
Janemba, Endless Copies EX24-21
Janemba, Transformation Premonition EX24-23
Trunks, Inherited Will EX24-32
Demon God Towa, Emergence of Greater Chaos EX24-38
Manifestation Frenzy EX24-39
Mira, Limitless Power EX24-40
Mira, Dark Empire Technology EX24-41
Great Ape Cumber, Gigantic Combatant EX24-42
Cumber, Becoming the Strongest EX24-43
Pilaf, Shu, & Mai, Cunning Trio P-502
Son Goku, Guided by the Dragon Balls EX24-02
Android 18, Guided by the Dragon Balls EX24-06
Goku Black, Guided by the Dragon Balls EX24-10
Android 17, Guided by the Dragon Balls EX24-11
Cheelai, Guided by the Dragon Balls EX24-13
Core Absorption EX24-15
Android 13, Unleashed Power EX24-16
SS Son Goku, Help From Above EX24-16
Android 14 & Android 15, Cool-Headed Advance Guard EX24-17
Son Gohan, Apex of Rage EX24-20
King Cold Comes EX24-27
SS Son Gohan, Brotherly Combination EX24-28
SS Son Goten, Brotherly Combination EX24-29
Frieza, Steadfast Emperor EX24-30
Frieza, Tiny Aggressor EX24-31
Irreconcilable EX24-33
Towa, Dark Demon Realm Madness P-540
Pilaf, Guided by the Dragon Balls EX24-03
SS Son Goku, Guided by the Dragon Balls EX24-04