Wasp [Purple FX] #1
Wasp #101
Klaw #102
Klaw [Copper FX] #102
Klaw [Pink FX] #102
Quicksilver [Grandiose] #105
Ant-Man [Red Precious Metal Gems] #106
Graviton [Red Precious Metal Gems] #110
Black Widow [Green Precious Metal Gems] #113
Spider-Man #114
Spider-Man [Blue Precious Metal Gems] #114
Spider-Man [Copper FX] #114
Spider-Man [Green Precious Metal Gems] #114
Captain America [Green Precious Metal Gems] #116
Iron Fist [Gold FX] #119
Iron Fist [Red Precious Metal Gems] #119
Wonder Man [Blue Precious Metal Gems] #12
Winter Soldier [Copper FX] #122
Moonstone [Grandiose] #123
Falcon [Blue Precious Metal Gems] #124
Moon Knight [Copper FX] #126
Moon Knight [Orange FX] #126
Arachne [Purple FX] #128
Red Skull [Gold FX] #129
Black Widow [Blue Precious Metal Gems] #13
Black Widow [Purple FX] #13
Stingray [Blue Precious Metal Gems] #130
Stingray [Pink FX] #130
Taskmaster [Pink FX] #131
Human Torch [Grandiose] #134
Fixer [Orange FX] #136
Sentry [Bronze FX] #137
Sentry [Red Precious Metal Gems] #137
Spider-Woman [Pink FX] #138
Shang-Chi #140
Yellowjacket [Gold FX] #142
Grim Reaper [Grandiose] #144
Thanos [Pink FX] #146
Thanos [Purple FX] #146
Ultron [Blue Precious Metal Gems] #148
Super-Adaptoid #153
Miles Morales [Gold FX] #154
Miles Morales [Grandiose] #154
Hulk [Grandiose] #158
Jack of Hearts [Green Precious Metal Gems] #16
Dreadknight #160
Kang The Conquerer [Pink FX] #161
Namor [Bronze FX] #162
Namor [Copper FX] #162
Onslaught [Pink FX] #164