Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith [Foil]
4-LOM [Foil]
Artoo [Foil]
Ben Kenobi [Foil]
Bib Fortuna [Foil]
Blizzard 1 [Foil]
Blizzard 2 [Foil]
Blizzard Scout 1 [Foil]
Boba Fett [Foil]
Bossk In Hound's Tooth [Foil]
C-3PO (See-Threepio) [Foil]
Captain Han Solo [Foil]
Chewbacca [Foil]
Commander Luke Skywalker [Foil]
Death Star [Dark Foil]
Devastator [Foil]
General Veers [Foil]
Grand Moff Tarkin [Foil]
Greedo [Foil]
Han Solo [Foil]
Jabba The Hutt [Foil]
Lando Calrissian [Dark Foil]
Lando Calrissian [Light Foil]
Luke Skywalker [Foil]
Obi-Wan Kenobi [Foil]
Princess Leia Organa [Foil]
R2-D2 [Foil]
Red Leader [Foil]
Rogue 1 [Foil]
Slave I [Foil]
Son Of Skywalker [Foil]
Spiral [Foil]
Stalker [Foil]
Tamtel Skreej [Foil]
Tantive IV [Foil]
Vader's Custom TIE [Foil]
Vader's Lightsaber [Foil]
Yoda [Foil]
Admiral Ozzel [Foil]
Conquest [Foil]
DS-61-3 [Foil]
Darth Vader [Foil]
Death Squadron Star Destroyer [Foil]
Millennium Falcon [Foil]
Obi-Wan's Lightsaber [Foil]
Princess Organa [Foil]
Red 5 [Foil]
Death Star [Light Foil]
IG-88 [Foil]
IT-O [Foil]