Wolverine vs. Magneto #GB-1
Wolverine vs. Magneto [Orange Foil] #GB-1
Wolverine vs. Ogun #GB-10
Wolverine vs. Ogun [Orange Foil] #GB-10
Wolverine vs. Ogun [Printing Plate] #GB-10
Wolverine vs. Deadpool [Blue Foil] #GB-12
Wolverine vs. Deadpool [Orange Foil] #GB-12
Wolverine vs. Deadpool [Yellow Foil] #GB-12
Wolverine vs. Cyclops [Blue Foil] #GB-13
Wolverine vs. Cyclops [Orange Foil] #GB-13
Wolverine vs. Spider-Man [Blue Foil] #GB-15
Wolverine vs. Spider-Man [Orange Foil] #GB-15
Wolverine vs. Morlock #GB-16
Wolverine vs. Sentinels [Orange Foil] #GB-17
Wolverine vs. Silver Samurai #GB-18
Wolverine vs. Colossus [Orange Foil] #GB-19
Wolverine vs. The Hand #GB-2
Wolverine vs. The Hand [Orange Foil] #GB-2
Wolverine vs. Gambit [Blue Foil] #GB-20
Wolverine vs. Gambit [Orange Foil] #GB-20
Wolverine vs. The X-Men #GB-21
Wolverine vs. The X-Men [Orange Foil] #GB-21
Wolverine vs. The X-Men [Yellow Foil] #GB-21
Old Man Logan vs. Old Man Hulk #GB-22
Old Man Logan vs. Old Man Hulk [Blue Foil] #GB-22
Wolverine vs. The Red Skull [Orange Foil] #GB-3
Wolverine vs. The Red Skull [Yellow Foil] #GB-3
Wolverine vs. Daken [Orange Foil] #GB-4
Wolverine vs. Hulk [Yellow Foil] #GB-6
Wolverine vs. Gorgon [Yellow Foil] #GB-7
Wolverine vs. Sabretooth #GB-8
Wolverine vs. Omega Red #GB-9
Wolverine vs. Omega Red [Blue Foil] #GB-9
Wolverine vs. Omega Red [Orange Foil] #GB-9
Wolverine vs. Omega Red [Yellow Foil] #GB-9
Wolverine vs. Colossus #GB-19
Wolverine vs. Hulk [Green Foil] #GB-6
Wolverine vs. Magneto [Blue Foil] #GB-1
Wolverine vs. Ogun [Blue Foil] #GB-10
Wolverine vs. Lady Deathstrike [Blue Foil] #GB-11
Wolverine vs. Spider-Man [Green Foil] #GB-15
Wolverine vs. Sentinels #GB-17
Wolverine vs. Sentinels [Blue Foil] #GB-17
Wolverine vs. Colossus [Blue Foil] #GB-19
Wolverine vs. Daken [Blue Foil] #GB-4
Wolverine vs. Hulk #GB-6
Wolverine vs. Hulk [Blue Foil] #GB-6
Wolverine vs. Lady Deathstrike #GB-11
Wolverine vs. Morlock [Blue Foil] #GB-16
Wolverine vs. Silver Samurai [Blue Foil] #GB-18