Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs #501 (1953)
The Ugly Duckling #502 (1953)
Cinderella #503 (1953)
The Pied Piper #504 (1954)
The Sleeping Beauty #505 (1954)
The Three Little Pigs #506 (1954)
Jack and the Beanstalk #507 (1954)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears #508 (1954)
Beauty and the Beast #509 (1954)
Little Red Riding Hood #510 (1954)
Puss In Boots #511 (1954)
Rumpelstiltskin #512 (1954)
Pinocchio #513 (1954)
The Steadfast Tin Soldier #514 (1955)
Johnny Appleseed #515 (1955)
Aladdin and His Lamp #516 (1955)
The Emperor's New Clothes #517 (1955)
The Golden Goose #518 (1955)
Paul Bunyan #519 (1955)
Thumbelina #520 (1955)
The King of the Golden River #521 O (1955)
The Nightingale #522 O (1956)
The Gallant Tailor #523 (1956)
The Wild Swans #524 (1956)
The Little Mermaid #525 (1956)
The Frog Prince #526 (1956)
The Golden Haired Giant #527 (1956)
The Penny Prince #528 (1956)
The Magic Servants #529 (1956)
The Golden Bird #530 (1956)
Rapunzel #531 (1956)
The Dancing Princesses #532 (1956)
The Magic Fountain #533 (1956)
The Golden Touch #534 (1957)
The Wizard of Oz #535 (1957)
The Chimney Sweep #536 (1957)
The Three Fairies #537 (1957)
Silly Hans #538 (1957)
The Enchanted Fish #539 (1957)
The Tinder-Box #540 (1957)
Snow White and Rose Red #541 (1957)
The Donkey's Tale #542 (1957)
The House in the Woods #543 (1957)
The Golden Fleece #544 (1957)
The Glass Mountain #545 (1957)
The Elves and the Shoemaker #546 (1958)
The Wishing Table #547 (1958)
The Magic Pitcher #548 (1958)
Simple Kate #549 (1958)
The Singing Donkey #550 (1958)