Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle HL05-EN001
Cyber Jar HL2-EN001
Graceful Charity HL04-EN004
Fissure HL2-EN006
Sangan HL2-EN003
Swords of Revealing Light HL04-EN002
Torrential Tribute HL04-EN006
Creature Swap HL03-EN002
Trap Hole HL03-EN003
Mystic Tomato HL03-EN005
Royal Decree HL03-EN006
Dark Balter the Terrible HL03-EN007
Exiled Force HL04-EN001
Asura Priest HL04-EN003
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer HL04-EN005
Green Gadget HL05-EN002
Crystal Beacon HL05-EN003
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive HL05-EN004
The Six Samurai - Zanji HL05-EN005
Scapegoat HL05-EN006
Nobleman of Crossout HL06-EN001
Limiter Removal HL06-EN002
D.D. Warrior Lady HL06-EN003
Reinforcement of the Army HL06-EN004
Call of the Haunted HL06-EN005
Shining Angel HL06-EN006
Monster Reborn HL07-EN001
Dark Dust Spirit HL07-EN003
Red Gadget HL07-EN004
Card of Safe Return HL07-EN005
Yellow Gadget HL07-EN006
Greenkappa HL1-EN002
Levia-Dragon - Daedalus HL1-EN004
King of the Swamp HL1-EN006
Mystical Space Typhoon HL2-EN002
Heavy Storm HL2-EN004
Marauding Captain HL2-EN005
Giant Rat HL03-EN001
Fusion Gate HL1-EN005
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole HL07-EN002
Lord of the Lamp HL1-EN001
A Legendary Ocean HL1-EN003
Spear Dragon HL03-EN004