Buster Blader DL1-002
Toon Goblin Attack Force DL7-EN001
Toon Gemini Elf DL6-EN001
The Masked Beast DL2-EN001
Exodia the Forbidden One DL11-EN006
Thousand-Eyes Restrict DL1-001
Dark Necrofear DL2-002
Machine King DL4-001
Acid Rain DL8-EN001
Blue-Eyes White Dragon DL09-EN001
Dark Magician DL11-EN001
Penguin Soldier DL09-EN002
Kuriboh DL09-EN003
Giant Rat DL09-EN005
Blade Knight DL09-EN007
Legendary Jujitsu Master DL09-EN008
Blackwing - Bora the Spear DL09-EN011
Mystical Space Typhoon DL09-EN014
Sakuretsu Armor DL09-EN018
Compulsory Evacuation Device DL09-EN019
Breath of Light DL10-EN001
Right Leg of the Forbidden One DL11-EN002
Left Leg of the Forbidden One DL11-EN003
Right Arm of the Forbidden One DL11-EN004
Left Arm of the Forbidden One DL11-EN005
Gravekeeper's Spy DL11-EN009
Mobius the Frost Monarch DL11-EN010
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow DL11-EN013
Thought Ruler Archfiend DL11-EN014
Nobleman of Extermination DL11-EN015
Royal Tribute DL11-EN017
Fairy Box DL11-EN018
Rite of Spirit DL11-EN019
Elemental HERO Neos DL12-EN001
Giant Germ DL12-EN003
Mother Grizzly DL12-EN004
Jinzo DL12-EN005
Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu DL12-EN006
Winged Kuriboh DL12-EN008
Enishi, Shien's Chancellor DL12-EN009
Salvage DL12-EN014
Magical Mallet DL12-EN015
Call of the Haunted DL12-EN018
Crimson Ninja DL13-EN004
Pinch Hopper DL13-EN006
Howling Insect DL13-EN007
Granmarg the Rock Monarch DL13-EN008
Babycerasaurus DL13-EN012
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness DL13-EN013
Dark Factory of Mass Production DL13-EN015