цены на Pokemon Japanese Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky Pokemon карточки
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PriceCharting Index: Pokemon Japanese Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky
Average ungraded base card value (excludes variants) for Pokemon Japanese Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky | Compare vs.
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Карта | Ungraded | Grade 9 | PSA 10 | |||
Charizard #92 | $72.50 | $272.69 | $711.50 |
Giratina #48 | $4.43 | $20.07 | $76.09 |
Gengar #32 | $9.00 | $31.26 | $130.00 |
Raichu LV.X #26 | $28.31 | $78.38 | $115.89 |
Sceptile #5 | $5.55 | $20.15 | $87.20 |
Raichu #25 | $5.24 | $36.49 | $85.24 |
Dialga #71 | $6.96 | $21.14 | $56.94 |
Regigigas LV.X #80 | $13.99 | $96.66 | $154.74 |
Infernape #60 | $3.99 | $16.50 | $52.47 |
Charmander #90 | $16.00 | $62.63 | $275.56 |
Charmeleon #91 | $22.27 | $36.75 | $175.67 |
Shaymin #11 | $6.12 | $23.00 | $52.33 |
Mismagius #34 | $4.97 | $18.58 | $34.33 |
Dusknoir LV.X #42 | $16.64 | $33.50 | $71.17 |
Machamp LV.X #52 | $12.19 | $28.00 | $114.99 |
Gyarados #17 | $5.00 | $58.04 | $96.62 |
Empoleon #70 | $4.26 | $17.52 | $39.56 |
Heatran LV.X #15 | $14.02 | $59.19 | $76.00 |
Shaymin LV.X #12 | $17.10 | $37.50 | $118.75 |
Pikachu #24 | $6.29 | $30.31 | $89.39 |
Voltorb #28 | $22.60 | $47.69 | $214.51 |
Scyther [1st Edition] #3 | $8.75 |
Budew #35 | $4.00 | $34.79 | $93.37 |
Roserade #37 | $8.00 |
Duskull #39 | $21.81 | $32.13 | $366.90 |
Drifloon #44 | $20.23 | $55.00 | $187.50 |
Machoke #50 | $2.99 |
Onix #53 | $1.39 |
Sableye #62 | $3.76 | $33.23 | $89.36 |
Skuntank #64 | $5.96 |
Vespiquen #7 | $15.00 |
Salamence #74 | $3.85 | $99.99 |
Cherubi #8 | $2.54 | $25.74 | $70.24 |
Magikarp #16 | $4.78 | $23.00 | $173.27 |
Gastly #30 | $2.36 | $38.00 | $79.99 |
Dusclops #40 | $3.17 | $30.63 | $82.72 |
Magneton #67 | $3.97 | $16.53 |
Ponyta #13 | $2.42 |
Bibarel #18 | $2.72 |
Abomasnow #22 | $2.58 |
Bronzong #47 | $3.19 |
Machop #49 | $3.12 |
Drapion #65 | $3.00 |
Steelix #69 | $3.92 | $60.00 | $75.01 |
Shelgon #73 | $1.94 | $22.02 | $60.73 |
Tangela #1 | $8.00 |
Tangrowth #2 | $2.12 |
Lumineon #20 | $4.26 | $18.05 | $39.99 |
Snover #21 | $4.16 |
Voltorb #27 | $1.99 |