цены на Pokemon Crimson Invasion Pokemon карточки
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PriceCharting Index: Pokemon Crimson Invasion
Average ungraded base card value (excludes variants) for Pokemon Crimson Invasion | Compare vs.
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Карта | Ungraded | Grade 9 | PSA 10 | |||
Gyarados GX #112 | $32.22 | $41.00 | $176.40 |
Lusamine #110 | $31.15 | $50.71 | $224.99 |
Gyarados GX #18 | $5.35 | $19.70 | $61.70 |
Guzzlord GX #63 | $3.57 | $13.79 | $34.08 |
Olivia #111 | $18.92 | $30.82 | $133.84 |
Gyarados GX #101 | $10.41 | $23.99 | $65.21 |
Pikachu #30 | $2.02 | $14.59 | $36.22 |
Buzzwole GX #57 | $2.91 | $14.00 | $33.08 |
Gladion #109 | $12.00 | $17.50 | $61.00 |
Kartana GX #106 | $3.71 | $14.40 | $22.79 |
Booster Pack | $12.23 | $175.00 |
Counter Catcher #120 | $14.26 | $34.00 | $41.00 |
Alolan Exeggutor GX #118 | $11.60 | $27.00 | $50.48 |
Alolan Golem GX #34 | $2.49 | $12.23 | $26.21 |
Silvally GX #90 | $2.34 | $12.75 | $26.24 |
Kartana GX #70 | $2.23 | $12.00 | $24.50 |
Nihilego GX #49 | $4.10 | $10.88 | $30.00 |
Nihilego GX #103 | $5.00 | $16.00 | $29.75 |
Elite Trainer Box | $90.28 |
Silvally GX #108 | $4.38 | $16.00 | $27.85 |
Silvally GX #119 | $6.50 | $20.00 | $62.37 |
Guzzlord GX #116 | $10.47 | $20.34 | $41.96 |
Booster Box | $285.00 |
Water Energy #124 | $14.42 | $22.49 | $97.77 |
Guzzlord GX #105 | $5.50 | $15.25 | $41.00 |
Alolan Exeggutor GX #107 | $5.14 | $12.50 | $33.14 |
Alolan Exeggutor GX #74 | $2.63 | $8.50 | $46.63 |
Alolan Golem GX #113 | $8.31 | $15.01 | $70.04 |
Gengar [Holo] #38 | $6.08 | $33.50 | $139.18 |
Guzzlord GX #63a | $5.00 | $19.99 |
Gengar [Reverse Holo] #38 | $8.66 | $24.97 | $216.00 |
Buzzwole GX #115 | $8.48 | $19.99 | $59.16 |
Alolan Golem GX #102 | $2.99 | $17.00 | $26.01 |
Buzzwole GX #104 | $3.96 | $16.31 | $48.65 |
Nihilego GX #114 | $9.00 | $19.99 | $49.99 |
Alolan Raichu #31 | $1.92 | $25.00 | $31.38 |
Kartana GX #117 | $7.73 | $13.50 | $58.58 |
Gengar #38 | $4.95 | $29.88 |
Jangmo-o [Toys R Us] #75 | $4.88 | $9.00 | $320.00 |
Exeggutor GX #74 | $2.99 | $14.52 | $69.95 |
Warp Energy #123 | $5.55 | $13.47 | $46.23 |
Magikarp #17 | $1.46 | $45.00 | $54.00 |
Xerneas #73 | $1.70 | $10.50 | $63.32 |
Counter Energy #122 | $8.65 | $11.17 | $28.75 |
Wishful Baton #121 | $5.79 | $8.00 | $25.17 |
Regice [Reverse Holo] #28 | $1.57 | $10.00 | $48.95 |
Pikachu [Reverse Holo] #30 | $4.33 | $20.50 | $43.03 |
Type: Null [Reverse Holo] #89 | $2.42 | $3.05 | $59.95 |
Regigigas #84 | $1.77 | $11.00 | $59.99 |
Type: Null #89 | $1.59 | $13.25 | $13.81 |