Perfect Machine King DR3-EN072
Blast Magician DR3-EN140
Tactical Espionage Expert DR3-EN083
King Dragun DR3-EN156
Sasuke Samurai DR3-EN076
Elemental Hero Flame Wingman DR3-EN215
Booster Box
Booster Pack
Charcoal Inpachi DR3-EN001
Ultimate Insect LV1 DR3-EN005
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4 DR3-EN006
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 DR3-EN008
Mystic Swordsman LV2 DR3-EN011
Mystic Swordsman LV4 DR3-EN012
Armed Dragon LV7 DR3-EN015
Mobius the Frost Monarch DR3-EN022
Ojama King DR3-EN034
Master of Oz DR3-EN035
Ectoplasmer DR3-EN043
Hallowed Life Barrier DR3-EN060
Harpie Girl DR3-EN064
The Creator DR3-EN065
Ultimate Insect LV3 DR3-EN067
Mystic Swordsman LV6 DR3-EN068
Silent Swordsman LV3 DR3-EN069
Raging Flame Sprite DR3-EN080
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch DR3-EN081
Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective DR3-EN088
Triangle Ecstasy Spark DR3-EN099
Ballista of Rampart Smashing DR3-EN106
Malice Dispersion DR3-EN108
Tragedy DR3-EN109
Divine Wrath DR3-EN110
Divine Dragon Ragnarok DR3-EN122
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys DR3-EN125
Ultimate Insect LV5 DR3-EN127
Silent Swordsman LV5 DR3-EN128
Granmarg the Rock Monarch DR3-EN129
Gearfried the Swordmaster DR3-EN142
Rescue Cat DR3-EN153
Gatling Dragon DR3-EN155
A Feather of the Phoenix DR3-EN157
Lightning Vortex DR3-EN160
Meteor of Destruction DR3-EN161
Penalty Game! DR3-EN171
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast DR3-EN173
Assault on GHQ DR3-EN176
Deck Devastation Virus DR3-EN178
Elemental Hero Clayman DR3-EN183
Winged Kuriboh DR3-EN185