Exodia Necross DCR-EN020
Skull Archfiend of Lightning DCR-EN073
D.D. Warrior Lady DCR-EN027
Skill Drain DCR-EN049
Vampire Lord DCR-EN000
Kaiser Glider DCR-EN051
Different Dimension Dragon DCR-EN015
Dark Flare Knight DCR-EN017
Mirage Knight DCR-EN018
Cost Down DCR-EN053
Shinato, King of a Higher Plane DCR-EN016
Ojama Trio DCR-EN047
Reflect Bounder DCR-EN012
Butterfly Dagger - Elma DCR-EN032
Terrorking Archfiend DCR-EN072
Judgment of Anubis DCR-EN105
Guardian Ceal DCR-EN006
Guardian Grarl DCR-EN007
Great Maju Garzett DCR-EN063
Mudora DCR-EN076
Spell Vanishing DCR-EN101
Interdimensional Matter Transporter DCR-EN052
Tsukuyomi DCR-EN075
Blast Held by a Tribute DCR-EN104
Berserk Dragon DCR-EN019
Contract with Exodia DCR-EN031
Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce DCR-EN037
Archfiend Soldier DCR-EN057
Mefist the Infernal General DCR-EN066
Infernalqueen Archfiend DCR-EN071
Dark Master - Zorc DCR-EN082
Contract with the Dark Master DCR-EN087
Final Countdown DCR-EN091
Sakuretsu Armor DCR-EN102
Battle Footballer DCR-EN001
Nin-Ken Dog DCR-EN002
Acrobat Monkey DCR-EN003
Arsenal Summoner DCR-EN004
Guardian Elma DCR-EN005
Guardian Baou DCR-EN008
Guardian Kay'est DCR-EN009
Guardian Tryce DCR-EN010
Cyber Raider DCR-EN011
Little-Winguard DCR-EN013
Des Feral Imp DCR-EN014
Gyaku-Gire Panda DCR-EN021
Blindly Loyal Goblin DCR-EN022
Despair from the Dark DCR-EN023
Maju Garzett DCR-EN024
Fear from the Dark DCR-EN025