Preços Para Pokemon Japanese Red & Green Gift Set Cartas de Pokemon
Pokemon Japanese Red & Green Gift Set lista de cartões & guia de preço. & valores classificados para todos os Japanese Pokemon Red/Green Gift Set
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PriceCharting Index: Pokemon Japanese Red & Green Gift Set
Valor médio do cartão básico sem classificação (exclui variantes) para Pokemon Japanese Red & Green Gift Set | Compare vs.
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Cartão | Sem Nota | Grade 9 | PSA 10 | |||
Baby Pikachu #25 | $299.95 | $89.99 | $199.99 |
Articuno-Holo #144 | $159.99 | $329.34 | $899.99 |
Zapdos-Holo #145 | $63.19 | $279.99 | $999.99 |
Scyther-Holo #123 | $46.75 | $171.00 | $242.51 |
Lightning Pikachu #25 | $28.48 | $16.02 | $322.87 |
Moltres-Holo #146 | $68.42 | $200.50 | $876.21 |
Master Ball-Holo | $13.46 | $63.74 | $171.28 |
Energy Search | $5.94 | $42.50 | $283.25 |
Pokemon Trader | $7.99 | $30.00 | $97.46 |
Switch | $8.00 | $37.48 |
Bulbasaur #1 | $13.98 | $50.87 | $199.99 |
Caterpie #10 | $5.19 | $29.95 |
Hitmonchan #107 | $6.51 | $16.00 | $57.00 |
Lickitung #108 | $10.84 | $27.65 | $65.00 |
Metapod #11 | $8.34 | $32.00 | $85.63 |
Chansey #113 | $34.99 | $26.50 | $152.97 |
Kangaskhan #115 | $14.99 | $28.00 | $174.99 |
Mr. Mime #122 | $15.55 | $34.95 | $185.68 |
Jynx #124 | $8.99 | $20.50 |
Magmar #126 | $10.00 | $19.54 | $119.99 |
Pinsir #127 | $9.99 |
Lapras #131 | $14.99 | $37.47 |
Porygon #137 | $29.99 | $24.00 | $116.71 |
Snorlax #143 | $30.49 | $107.84 |
Mewtwo #150 | $37.95 | $80.00 | $213.75 |
Rattata #19 | $11.99 | $11.50 |
Nidoran #29 | $4.75 | $40.00 |
Nidoran #32 | $9.99 | $17.79 |
Clefairy #35 | $39.99 | $63.26 |
Vulpix #37 | $9.99 | $52.49 |
Charmander #4 | $14.99 | $58.00 | $398.99 |
Growlithe #58 | $43.41 | $24.25 | $130.00 |
Poliwrath #62 | $24.47 | $49.99 |
Abra #63 | $6.19 | $29.51 | $144.31 |
Kadabra #64 | $5.54 | $22.50 | $115.00 |
Machop #66 | $5.63 | $23.89 | $54.22 |
Machoke #67 | $8.00 | $27.87 | $65.00 |
Squirtle #7 | $17.40 | $50.00 | $205.00 |
Ponyta #77 | $7.91 | $14.06 | $71.08 |
Rapidash #78 | $6.99 | $18.04 |
Magnemite #81 | $5.58 | $16.26 | $36.39 |
Doduo #84 | $12.79 | $24.00 | $50.00 |
Seel #86 | $7.56 |
Dewgong #87 | $7.78 | $15.00 | $119.99 |
Poliwag #60 | $5.10 | $12.50 | $61.84 |
Poliwhirl #61 | $6.98 | $6.50 | $69.99 |
Magneton #82 | $4.37 | $18.53 | $45.00 |
Gastly #92 | $12.55 | $32.39 | $93.42 |
Energy Retrieval | $2.08 | $21.86 | $58.86 |
Gambler | $0.99 | $37.52 |