Preços Para Pokemon Base Set 2 Cartas de Pokemon
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PriceCharting Index: Pokemon Base Set 2
Valor médio do cartão básico sem classificação (exclui variantes) para Pokemon Base Set 2 | Compare vs.
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Cartão | Sem Nota | Grade 9 | PSA 10 | |||
Charizard #4 | $202.50 | $725.00 | $8,300.00 |
Blastoise #2 | $71.58 | $258.11 | $1,902.02 |
Venusaur #18 | $48.42 | $141.17 | $750.00 |
Mewtwo #10 /102 | $21.60 | $117.33 | $883.06 |
Chansey #3 | $12.80 | $67.50 | $1,452.00 |
Alakazam #1 | $23.25 | $85.03 | $450.00 |
Poliwrath #15 | $10.00 | $56.00 | $296.90 |
Gyarados #7 | $15.27 | $84.43 | $485.49 |
Pikachu #87 | $1.99 | $25.00 | $94.46 |
Clefairy #6 | $11.56 | $53.00 | $313.29 |
Wigglytuff #19 | $9.55 | $48.77 | $295.07 |
Zapdos #20 | $18.60 | $80.00 | $349.99 |
Raichu #16 | $19.23 | $81.00 | $835.00 |
Squirtle #93 | $2.08 | $30.31 | $65.89 |
Clefable #5 | $12.81 | $59.22 | $1,304.27 |
Ninetales #13 | $13.58 | $66.34 | $282.50 |
Nidoking #11 | $14.57 | $63.00 | $238.43 |
Scyther #17 | $12.54 | $65.44 | $249.73 |
Pidgeot #14 | $14.97 | $75.00 | $962.38 |
Nidoqueen #12 | $15.69 | $62.29 | $698.83 |
Charmander #69 | $1.98 | $21.00 | $59.47 |
Magneton #9 | $13.03 | $54.23 | $425.00 |
Snorlax #30 | $6.00 | $51.00 | $128.97 |
Hitmonchan #8 | $11.34 | $64.34 | $1,399.95 |
Booster Pack | $211.71 | $285.00 | $426.29 |
Bulbasaur #67 | $2.05 | $25.00 | $72.51 |
Wartortle #63 | $2.25 | $26.56 | $48.98 |
Charmeleon #35 | $2.27 | $17.67 | $57.84 |
Wartortle [W Stamp] #63 | $20.00 | $62.28 | $661.82 |
Kadabra #46 | $1.42 | $23.32 | $47.79 |
Abra #65 | $1.31 | $19.00 | $42.82 |
Ivysaur #44 | $2.50 | $21.53 | $46.70 |
Haunter #43 | $2.03 | $22.00 | $42.99 |
Jigglypuff #77 | $1.56 | $21.00 | $36.72 |
Arcanine #33 | $3.23 | $25.97 | $82.00 |
Meowth #80 | $1.59 | $9.99 | $38.34 |
Magikarp #50 | $1.92 | $19.27 | $60.47 |
Weedle #100 | $1.65 | $10.45 | $27.36 |
Machoke #49 | $1.56 | $11.58 | $30.00 |
Electabuzz #24 | $2.90 | $18.45 | $56.12 |
Dragonair #22 | $6.17 | $34.75 | $58.14 |
Cubone #70 | $1.99 | $18.00 | $71.08 |
Butterfree #34 | $2.01 | $13.62 | $39.99 |
Kangaskhan #26 | $3.00 | $17.50 | $39.10 |
Goldeen #76 | $2.03 | $18.24 | $25.39 |
Staryu #95 | $1.21 | $10.00 | $44.99 |
Machop #78 | $1.47 | $11.33 | $31.85 |
Beedrill #21 | $2.76 | $25.15 | $47.50 |
Mr. Mime #27 | $4.00 | $21.41 | $29.18 |
Vulpix #99 | $1.84 | $15.00 | $49.35 |