Nappa's Energy Aura [Foil] 120
Nappa's Physical Resistance [Foil] 121
Chiaotzu's Energy Manipulation [Foil] 123
Red Reading Drill 140
Red Reading Drill [Foil] 140
Earth Dragon Ball 6 [Foil] 186
Earth Dragon Ball 7 187
Earth Dragon Ball 7 [Foil] 187
Earth Dragon Ball Combat [Foil] 189
Enraged! [Foil] 190
A Beginner's Heart Is Dedicated [Foil] 191
Unselfish Behavior is Best [Foil] 194
Saiyan Battle Terms [Foil] 197
Dream Fighting [Foil] 199
Cutting the Tail [Foil] 200
Saiyan Truce Card [Foil] 203
Grabbing the Tail [Foil] 205
Nappa's Blinding Stare [Foil] 206
Broken Scouter [Foil] 209
Raditz Flying Kick [Foil] 210
Tien Mind Reading Trick [Foil] 211
Krillin's Energy Disk [Foil] 216
Ribs Broken [Foil] 217
Unexpected Allies [Foil] 218
Vegeta's Quickness Drill 221
Vegeta's Quickness Drill [Foil] 221
Bulma Finds a Dragon Ball [Foil] 222
Bulma Finds a Drill [Foil] 223
Baba's Energy Blast [Foil] 225
Vegeta's Plans [Foil] 228
Orange Focusing Drill [Foil] 234
Black Shadow Drill [Foil] 235
Saiyan Power Drill [Foil] 236
Vegeta's Trick [Foil] 240
Dream Machine Battle [Foil] 242
Vegeta's Physical Stance [Foil] 28
Straining [Foil] 35
Mother's Touch [Foil] 90
Power Up the Most! [Foil] 98
Goku Energy Blast! [Foil] 153
Eyes of the Dragon 157
Earth Dragon Ball Capture [Foil] 188
Respect the Spirit [Foil] 193
The Tail Grows Back [Foil] 201
Power Gifting [Foil] 207
Terrible Wounds [Foil] 208
Raditz Energy Burst [Foil] 219
Ally Wins! [Foil] 229
Chiaotzu's Drill [Foil] 230
Red Life Attack Drill [Foil] 232