Michael Moorcock's Elric The Dreaming City #2 (1982)
The Death of Captain Marvel #1 (1982)
X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills #5 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [2nd Printing] #5 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [2nd Printing] #4 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [2nd Printing] #1 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [3rd Printing] #5 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [3rd Printing] #4 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [4th Printing] #1 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [4th Printing] #4 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [5.95 Cover Price] #4 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [5.95 Cover Price] #3 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [5th Printing] #1 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [5th Printing] #5 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [5th Printing] #4 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [7th Printing] #1 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [8th Printing] #5 (1982)
Marvel Graphic Novel [9th Printing] #1 (1982)
Dreadstar #3 (1982)
The New Mutants #4 (1982)
Killraven, Warrior of the Worlds #7 (1983)
Star Slammers #6 (1983)
The Futurians #9 (1983)
Super Boxers #8 (1983)
Dazzler: The Movie #12 (1984)
Heartburst #10 (1984)
Marvel Graphic Novel #12 (1984)
Void Indigo #11 (1984)
Marvel Graphic Novel [2nd Printing] #12 (1984)
Conan the Barbarian: The Witch Queen of Acheron #19 (1985)
Raven Banner: A Tale of Asgard #15 (1985)
The Sensational She-Hulk #18 (1985)
Marvel Graphic Novel [2nd Printing] #18 (1985)
Marvel Graphic Novel [3rd Printing] #18 (1985)
Swords of the Swashbucklers #14 (1985)
The Aladdin Effect #16 (1985)
Revenge of the Living Monolith #17 (1985)
Greenberg the Vampire #20 (1986)
Marvel Graphic Novel: Daredevil - Love and War #24 (1986)
Marvel Graphic Novel #27 (1987)
The Mighty Thor: I, Whom the Gods Would Destroy #33 (1987)
The Shadow: 1941 #35 (1988)
Marvel Graphic Novel [2nd Printing] #38 (1990)
Punisher: The Blood On The Moors [Hardcover] (1991)
Punisher/Black Widow: Spinning Doomsday's Web (1992)