Elemental Hero Avian TLM-JP001
Elemental Hero Avian [Normal Parallel Rare] TLM-JP001
Elemental Hero Clayman TLM-JP003
Elemental Hero Sparkman TLM-JP004
Elemental Hero Sparkman [Normal Parallel Rare] TLM-JP004
Winged Kuriboh TLM-JP005
Winged Kuriboh [Ultimate Rare] TLM-JP005
Ancient Gear Golem [Ultimate Rare] TLM-JP006
Ancient Gear Beast TLM-JP007
Ancient Gear Soldier TLM-JP008
Millennium Scorpion TLM-JP009
Ultimate Insect LV7 [Ultimate Rare] TLM-JP010
Hieracosphinx [Ultimate Rare] TLM-JP012
Criosphinx TLM-JP013
Megarock Dragon TLM-JP015
Megarock Dragon [Ultimate Rare] TLM-JP015
Master Monk [Ultimate Rare] TLM-JP020
Mid Shield Gardna TLM-JP024
White Ninja TLM-JP025
King of the Skull Servants TLM-JP032
Reshef the Dark Being TLM-JP033
Reshef the Dark Being [Ultimate Rare] TLM-JP033
Elemental Mistress Doriado TLM-JP034
Elemental Hero Flame Wingman TLM-JP035
Elemental Hero Flame Wingman [Ultimate Rare] TLM-JP035
Elemental Hero Thunder Giant TLM-JP036
Elemental Hero Thunder Giant [Ultimate Rare] TLM-JP036
Card of Sanctity [Ultimate Rare] TLM-JP037
Brain Control [Ultimate Rare] TLM-JP038
Doriado's Blessing TLM-JP043
Final Ritual of the Ancients TLM-JP044
Legendary Black Belt TLM-JP045
Nitro Unit TLM-JP046
Hero Signal TLM-JP049
Kozaky's Self-Destruct Button TLM-JP052
Token Feastevil TLM-JP057
Royal Surrender TLM-JP059
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix TLM-JP002
Ancient Gear Golem TLM-JP006
Lost Guardian TLM-JP011
Hieracosphinx TLM-JP012
Dummy Golem TLM-JP016
Monk Fighter TLM-JP019
Guardian Statue TLM-JP021
Medusa Worm TLM-JP022
Aussa the Earth Charmer TLM-JP026
Eria the Water Charmer TLM-JP027
Wynn the Wind Charmer TLM-JP029
Batteryman AA TLM-JP030
Des Wombat TLM-JP031