Exodia Necross DR1-EN182
Reaper on the Nightmare DR1-EN026
Dark Paladin DR1-EN160
Mirage Knight DR1-EN180
Lava Golem DR1-EN051
Chaos Command Magician DR1-EN123
Breaker the Magical Warrior DR1-EN126
Shinato, King of a Higher Plane DR1-EN178
Coffin Seller DR1-EN041
Question DR1-EN053
Tribe-Infecting Virus DR1-EN131
Charm of Shabti DR1-EN022
Luster Dragon DR1-EN113
Pandemonium DR1-EN256
Spell Vanishing DR1-EN263
Necrovalley DR1-EN032
Paladin of White Dragon DR1-EN081
Old Vindictive Magician DR1-EN122
Pigeonholing Books of Spell DR1-EN148
Hidden Book of Spell DR1-EN154
Despair from the Dark DR1-EN185
Skull Archfiend of Lightning DR1-EN235
Skilled Dark Magician DR1-EN120
Apprentice Magician DR1-EN121
Magical Scientist DR1-EN128
Berserk Dragon DR1-EN181
XZ-Tank Cannon DR1-EN108
Interdimensional Matter Transporter DR1-EN214
Mudora DR1-EN238
Booster Box
Booster Pack
Gravekeeper's Guard DR1-EN009
Spirit Reaper DR1-EN024
Metamorphosis DR1-EN038
Royal Tribute DR1-EN039
Nightmare Wheel DR1-EN055
Metalsilver Armor DR1-EN092
XYZ-Dragon Cannon DR1-EN107
Aitsu DR1-EN111
Amazoness Swords Woman DR1-EN116
Double Spell DR1-EN161
Cyber Raider DR1-EN173
Dark Flare Knight DR1-EN179
D.D. Warrior Lady DR1-EN189
Butterfly Dagger - Elma DR1-EN194
Skill Drain DR1-EN211
Kaiser Glider DR1-EN213
Gagagigo DR1-EN216
Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn DR1-EN223
Terrorking Archfiend DR1-EN234